Can someone tell me what Palin means by the media filter? Like at her stump speeches she will say she is glad to be out from under the media filter, but how is the media filtering her? in interviews can't she just say what she wants? or is her campaign just so far from reality that they are just blaming figureheads "media" "liberal elite" for things regardless of any truth?
Like what was she going on about today, saying Obama flip-flopping on taxes?
Can someone tell me what Palin means by the media filter?
Coherent questions that require coherent answers?
Like at her stump speeches she will say she is glad to be out from under the media filter, but how is the media filtering her? in interviews can't she just say what she wants?
The liberal media wants to ask her questions! That some times have factual answers! That she may or may not know! Gotcha journalism! Fake american elite journalists! aodifga;lfjsl [qerjalkf
And let us not forget, the liberal media is annoying.
"You'll live a happy and carefree life
Whatever that means.
My default is generally no unless I really understand all the permutations and possibilities.
Vague language like this: "Exceptions made for transportation, rodeos, fairs, 4-H programs, lawful slaughter, research and veterinary purposes" is nobody's friend. Also, why is
The Chronicle
against it?
I drove through a number of neighborhoods on my way to do chores today and was pleased to note that the Obama/Biden yard signs outnumbered McCain/Palen by at least 9 to 1. In fact, there was at least a mile long stretch of only Obama signs. But, I did see two signs for Nader/Gonzales! Not in yards, though, in the median strip between lanes of a large boulevard. Hey, if you can't commit to putting them in your yard, why bother?
I saw a PEROT sign yesterday!
how is that a filter? to my ears, "filter" suggests that they are editting her or taking things out of context - removing bits and whatnot.