I never liked the Wazzup Bud commercials but man, I do love the update. Very creative, funny and even poignant.
Happy Birthday, Brenda! I wish a speedy recovery for Miss Lucy.
We've got a Halloween Party tonight for the kids. I have five hours to convince DH to dress up as Commissioner Gordon for our family costumes. He's lukewarm on the idea.
Continued ~ma to Lucy, poor pup.
happy birthday Brenda!
F2F I have convinced a few people that Obama is not a liberal -- and in the process I convinced them that all liberals ( 'cause I am one) are not dangerous. Don't think I could do it online.
They just opened early voting in my district—I went, I participated in the ritual of democracy, even took the kids, so they could see how the process worked, and have my sticker. There and back in a half hour. WOOT!
Happy Birthday, brenda!! And all kinds of doggy~ma to Lucy.
Yay for all the early voters!
Good news about Lucy-dog, too.
I got a letter from my ex-employer that there is a discrepancy in the records of what I got paid -- a 2004 paycheck that doesn't seem to have been cashed.
Seriously? I AM enough of a ditz to have misfiled a paycheck, having done it several times that I can remember having found one tucked away in a 'safe' place, so yes, the likelihood is this is just exactly what happened.
I still have trouble believing this could happen NOW, when I'm leaving school and getting into Desperate Job Search Mode.
We have survived the Y halloween party. I really hate gyms full of unorganized yelling kids, but I found a corner to sit in.
Happy birthday, brenda! Continued dog~ma for Lucy.
...is either totally PoMo or just stupid.
I am in love with this phrase and will use it often regarding many subjects, I am sure.
Does that mean you get another paycheck, Theo? 'Cause that would be nice.
Yes, it would be one last paycheck, and a substantial one at that.
::chair-dances just a little::
Yay for the possibility of one more paycheck, Theo!!
My dad's half brother was the middle child in his family of 12 sibs--my grandmother (who was NOT Howard's mother) raised him with the rest of her children.
Whoah! Now that sounds like quite the story, Cash!! I can't imagine.
And four kids sleeping in one bed?? Dude. I have a hard time sharing a bed with one other person. And sometimes her cat. Or previously someone else and her dog. Three other people? Even if we were smaller people? eesh!