I just read that GOP supporters are not happy with Newsweek right now. Palin is on the cover, and they didn't retouch her photo to eliminate the little moustache she has going on.
Yeah, it just came in my mail yesterday and it was like "WHOA!" Not just because of the obvious need for waxing, but just how seriously close up it was. Scary, man. Only someone like Isabella Rosellini should ever be photographed that close up.
MAN! if you know you are going to be in the national press (and you care about such things) why would you not get your shit waxed???
Whether SHE cares or not is irrelevant. This is why there are image consultants. THEY are damned well aware she's going to be photographed from every angle and at every possible zoom level.
I mean, no one's caught a shot yet of Barack bumming a ciggie, have they?
if they do catch him bumming one, I bet it will be from a TERRORIST!!! DOM DOM DOMMMMMMMM!
This is a pretty neat anecdote about how people's lifelong opinions on race are being changed this year.
"Just make sure you vote for that colored boy" may be among the most amazing statements I have ever heard. That's just incredible.
This is a pretty neat anecdote about how people's lifelong opinions on race are being changed this year.
My father, who was raised in a very racist family/community, who spent my childhood saying appallingly racist comments that I refuse to repeat, who actually made me ashamed to be related to him from time to time -- he's voting for Obama. And not out of a lesser of 2 evils thing, either; as the years have gone on, he's spent a lot of energy in re-thinking his beliefs, questioning why he did believe them in the first place.
He's voted Republican a LOT in the past, but in the primaries this year he voted for Hillary (a vote that's almost as astonishing as his intent to vote for Obama, because my dad also used to be jaw-droppingly sexist), and he intends to vote for Obama simply because he believes him to be the better candidate, the candidate who will go real good for him (my dad) as well as the country. At this point, race isn't even an issue.
Still, even though I knew he voted for Hillary, I wasn't sure if he could get past his nasty old prejudices and vote for Obama, so when he told me he was going to vote for Obama, I was literally speechless. I told my brother, and he had the same reaction, finally asking, "...D-dad? OUR dad???"
Change. It's a-comin'.
I do loves me some GoFugYourself. This line made me LOL:
and I think they accidentally dug his makeup out of the zombie bin (it IS right next to the vampire one).
thanks, Jesse
I mean, no one's caught a shot yet of Barack bumming a ciggie, have they?
Does Obama smoke? I had no idea.
Does Obama smoke? I had no idea.
He's supposedly quit while running for President.
Go Tep's dad!
If Obama wins -- and I just can't quite bring myself to type "when," even though I really think he will, because I was so burned over Kerry, after all the predictions had him winning by a healthy margin over Bush -- it's going to be because of people like my dad.
Yes, without the Democratic base, Obama couldn't be elected. But I'm 100% honest about my vote: I would vote for pretty much anyone the Democrats ran. So my vote is a lock.
But people like my dad, who used to vote Republican because that's what he'd always done, who I'm sure Sarah Palin would consider "Joe Six-Pack," are going to surprise the hell out of the country on election day. I truly believe it.