The thing that makes me cringe when I edit using Track Changes is that moving something makes it show up TWICE in red
Well, when I receive a Track Changes document, I'll use it as reference, but do the actual changes on a fresh copy of the MS. I don't want whoever I send it back to to be looking at it with all the changes-- too much potential for mind games there. I figure if they wanted it changed THAT bad that it pings them a second time, they'll let me know about it.
I meant when I'm the editor, not the author. And of course, not for book-type-writing. Or writhing, which is what I typed the first time.
David, I did not know that.
I have gone home and returned. I bought myself some ice cream for the trouble.
Ooh. The Dow was briefly under 9000. (It's now 9004.) When was the last time it was under 9000?
The Dow broke 9000 in 1998, and again in 2003.
Kathy, wrod.
I think it's cool that despite the "diva" reputation(wait...if KO is dude, can he be a diva? Let's say Talented Pain in The Ass, then) he seemed so surprised to be watched. And by an idol of his.
It's almost like they think it's a personal insult that I'm asking them to think linearly
Right?! Sheesh. And I'm not even asking them to write (that's my job) just EXPLAIN things to me!
Well, duh, if you don't understand the steps, how can you write them right?
No wonder manuals often suck.
I can pick Loki up after 5, he's fine.
I can pick Loki up after 5, he's fine.
Yay! That reminds me I have to go up there tonight for food.