The goverment is now toying with the idea of giving the banks even more money in return for (preferred) stock. In most counries this would be called nationalizing the banks.
According to TAL, most of the economists they talked to thought this was a good idea, and it apparently got slipped into the bailout bill as a possible option without anyone really paying attention to it.
it apparently got slipped into the bailout bill as a possible option without anyone really paying attention to it.
Yeah. That was kind of cool. And last I heard, no one knows who slipped it in....
That sounds kinda' porny....
This is, um, wrong? Manga guide to databases
I have no idea if The Manga Guide to Databases will be any good (the publisher sez, "In The Manga Guide to Databases, Tico the fairy teaches the Princess how to simplify her data management. We follow along as they design a relational database, understand the entity-relationship model, perform basic database operations, and delve into more advanced topics. Once the Princess is familiar with transactions and basic SQL statements, she can keep her data timely and accurate for the entire kingdom.
I dunno - maybe if I liked Manga as much as databases, I'd think it was cool....
The goverment is now toying with the idea of giving the banks even more money in return for (preferred) stock
It's the Swedish solution, I had no idea it got slipped in through the backdoor.
Poem o' the day:
Ode to Sean Hannity
by John Cleese
Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You're a profanity
One minor quibble - I have a problem with making fun of fat people for their weight, even if it's someone I really hate... although I did find the index to "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" to be hysterical....
I'm just watching this all bemused.
People need to answer their damned emails. I kinda need this done TODAY, and the whole point of the exercise is moot if I have to wait until tomorrow.
Officemate's cell has a fake phone ring.
I now know this because it scared the shit out of me.
Cindy McCain needs to learn a bit more history if she thinks this is a dirty campaign. Now Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams in 1828, that was a dirty campaign.
I dunno, it must have been really hard to resist the rhyme with "manatee."