I cannot parse JMS this morning.
Sara, I think I stole your sleep. mac did nto wake up at the crack of ass this morning (miracle #1), did not have bad dreams or wet bed (miracle #2), stayed in his room after he woke up (miracles #3-10 because that has NEVER happpened), got dressed before I was up (miracle #11), and was MAKING HIS BED by himself (miracle #12).
I apologize in advance for the crappy mornings I am assuming this windfall for me will cause.
Freaky. Are you sure mac isn't possessed by a good spirit or something?
Hey, you deserve easy mornings!
tommy, some people just suck.
Something that should be routine and easy is turning into this whole dramariffic deal because the usual suspects are out. Sigh.
JMS is J. Michael Straczynski, who created the TV Show Babylon 5, and is the screenwriter of Clint Eastwood's new film.
Holy crap, he used to write for He-Man and She-Ra!
Okay, I seriously need to strap on my Big Girl Panties. I still have this email from Agent Kate with her suggested revisions for a YA manuscript that I haven't been able to bring myself to open. Not because of anything she's done, but due to the publishing craxy in my life this past year, I'm more than a little gun shy.
I am such a wuss.
Barb - but Agent Kate is a nice lady, go ahead open it up. If it is rough, we are here.
The goverment is now toying with the idea of giving the banks even more money in return for (preferred) stock. In most counries this would be called nationalizing the banks.
According to TAL, most of the economists they talked to thought this was a good idea, and it apparently got slipped into the bailout bill as a possible option without anyone really paying attention to it.