Huh. The racists are undecided....
An Obama supporter, who canvassed for the candidate in the working-class, white Philadelphia neighborhood of Fishtown recently, sends over an account that, in various forms, I've heard a lot in recent weeks.
"What's crazy is this," he writes. "I was blown away by the outright racism, but these folks are f***ing undecided. They would call him a n----r and mention how they don't know what to do because of the economy."
A disturbing thought about "That One". Is it possible McCain used the term because he could not remember Senator Obama's name? His instinct when covering up memory loss or confusion seems to be nastiness - that way everyone focuses on "Mean McCain" rather than "Confused McCain". I mean right at the beginning when Brokaw asked McCain who he'd name for Treasury, I'm pretty sure that was the point of the unfunny "Not You" joke. He needed a few seconds to think of an answer, so he insulted Brokaw to buy time.
Also on the economy question, after addressing Oliver by name, about 90 seconds into the rambling answer, McCain referred to Oliver as "Alan". So I think this is real evidence of memory problems.
I'm not as worried about the memory problem as the habit of using aggression to cover up. I think covering for a misunderstanding is how we ended with it now being official McCain policy that Spain is an "adversary".
With that last question about what you don't know, I immediately thought McCain could answer "How many houses I own."
If McCain were my elderly relative, I would be very very worried for him and be on the horn to the other relatives trying to call a family conference to make sure he gets a clean bill of health from a doctor we trust.
A funny graphic on the campaign: [link]
In terms of the undecided racists, not nice, but not surprising. Satisfy your hatred and fear, or override it to save your ass? I would not bet either way on how someone both crazy enough to have the dilemma, and rational enough to see the dilemma will go.
If McCain were my elderly relative, I would be very very worried for him and be on the horn to the other relatives trying to call a family conference to make sure he gets a clean bill of health from a doctor we trust.
This supports my theory as to why the Neos have accepted "Maverick" McCain as one of their own. He's still electable and now he's controllable.
I love the racist undecided voters story.
So many people move past their prejudices when they actually
get to know
someone of the despised group. It would be interesting to see that effect on a Presidential scale.