If McCain were my elderly relative, I would be very very worried for him and be on the horn to the other relatives trying to call a family conference to make sure he gets a clean bill of health from a doctor we trust.
This supports my theory as to why the Neos have accepted "Maverick" McCain as one of their own. He's still electable and now he's controllable.
I love the racist undecided voters story.
So many people move past their prejudices when they actually
get to know
someone of the despised group. It would be interesting to see that effect on a Presidential scale.
Is it possible McCain used the term because he could not remember Senator Obama's name?
well, if that is the case, better what he said then what I say when a name doesn't coem to me in the moment - I call people noodle or monkey.
ION, someone linked to that library last week (SKIPPER!), I think it was Sue.
IOON, I had Ethiopian for lunch and took 2 people who had never had it. good times. I also got take out for mac and I to have for dinner. He's gonna be thrilled.
I don't get why people still assume it.
Me neither. We kid about Abby a bit of a whoops, since she's only fifteen months younger than Nate, but it wasn't because we didn't know the possibility to get pregnant while I was breastfeeding didn't exist. It was more of the, "Well, it took us over a year to get pregnant with Nate, what's the likelihood of it happening right away this time?"
That sound you heard was Mother Nature laughing her ass off.
Admittedly, I didn't get pregnant while breastfeeding, but about three minutes after I finished weaning Nate.
ION, someone linked to that library last week (SKIPPER!), I think it was Sue.
Oops. I can't click on every link, people!!
no no - it's ita's links you don't click on!
Two fabulous libraries, one cup.
I love the racist undecided voters story.
So many people move past their prejudices when they actually get to know someone of the despised group. It would be interesting to see that effect on a Presidential scale.
The cynical part of me says "They aren't getting past their prejudices because they've gotten to know Obama. They're getting past their prejudices because when somebody knows if it's the blue wire or the red wire to cut when disarming the bomb in the room, you don't give a rat's fuckhole what color they are."