unbased (is that a word?)
You see, most of the people here are convinced that without state-of-the-art military experience you're incapable to lead this country.
The problem with this argument, which people also make here, particularly in terms of which candidate would deal better with terrorism, is that McCain has typewriter military experience in an internet world.
McCain at one point said something to the effect of "Only I have a plan that will fix this crisis." I was yelling, "Quick, tell somebody. I don't think we can wait until January."
The problem with this argument, which people also make here, particularly in terms of which candidate would deal better with terrorism, is that McCain has typewriter military experience in an internet world.
The other problem being that, by all accounts, when McCain was in the military
he wasn't any good.
Courageous, okay. And he certainly paid a price for it. But the man went from near last in his class at the academy to having to rely on connections to force his way back into the cockpit long after it was clear he had no business in a plane. I don't mean to take away from what he did go through, but it frustrates the hell out of me that there's no qualitative component to this. There are good people in the military. There are great people in the military. There's also Gomer Pyle.
I think my physicists have had a bit too much as well. Way too jolly.
I think I've mentioned the parties up at the solar observatory. OMG.
Came in to a disaster. Want to go home.
Also, we are the department of unfortunate typos. Currently scraping people off the floors.
Last night, McCain said this:
"It was an energy bill on the floor of the Senate, loaded down with goodies, billions for the oil companies, and it was sponsored by Bush and Cheney," McCain said. "You know who voted for it? You might never know. That one. You know who voted against it? Me."
Does the "That one" bother people?
Allyson, I hope all is ok today.
sara - y'all need some no disaster days.
People are yelling at each other in an office. Two others are arguing on a phone. WAH, it's the last day without the boss here, why can't people just be calm. I want/need to get through 3 things I had planned to do but haven't done while the boss is out. Must get on it.
Does the "That one" bother people?
Criticism of that specific line is all over the interwebs today; I watched the debate on NBC last night, and almost the first thing that one of the commentators noted was "that one" and McCain's patronizing "You probably didn't even know who Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were before this crisis."
Yeah, they were talking about it last night too. It pinged me a little, but not as much as it's getting play.
I just wanted McCain to point his thumbs at his chest and say "this guy" at the end of that bit.
McCain's patronizing "You probably didn't even know who Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were before this crisis."
I'm sure he didn't, because McCain never had to struggle to get a mortgage in his life. A lot of people outside of his tax bracket have considerable experience with them.
The problem with this argument, which people also make here, particularly in terms of which candidate would deal better with terrorism
The problem with this argument for me is that people refuse to give a chance to other schools of thought other then the militaristic way.