McCain's patronizing "You probably didn't even know who Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were before this crisis."
I'm sure he didn't, because McCain never had to struggle to get a mortgage in his life. A lot of people outside of his tax bracket have considerable experience with them.
The problem with this argument, which people also make here, particularly in terms of which candidate would deal better with terrorism
The problem with this argument for me is that people refuse to give a chance to other schools of thought other then the militaristic way.
The problem with this argument for me is that people refuse to give a chance to other schools of thought other then the militaristic way.
That's because if you sit down and talk to your adversaries you are WEAK WEAK WEAK. And terror-loving.
The cheetah is so cute! Want a pet cheetah now.
We were thinking of going to the San Diego Zoo's Walk on the Wild Side on Saturday, but it's at 7:30 AM which means we'd have to leave at 4 (not really a limiting factor, odd but true) and it would be $60 for both K and I to register for the walk. But it goes through the zoo!
The debates aren't designed for me. I'm not an undecided voter so I can't even fathom that we have 27 or so days to the election and there are people who STILL don't know who they are voting for. I can't relate AT ALL to that.
The problem with this argument for me is that people refuse to give a chance to other schools of thought other then the militaristic way.
I have a problem with that as well. I feel intelligence and international cooperation are more important than military force. Not that military force doesn't have its place, but so often candidates make it out that we just need to invade the United Republic of Terrorism to take care of the problem.
so often candidates make it out that we just need to invade the United Republic of Terrorism to take care of the problem.
That's because they
hate freedom.
I'm not sure why our taking out their leaders and collaterally killing a bunch of civillians will change their minds, but apparently it does.
This is less concerning when it's people who aren't actually voting in the US election, but of course we have plenty of those people here, too.
People who support McCain, or people who aren't voting?
From what I could see on the CNN percepto-thingy, the most positive audience responses were from whichever candidate answered the question more directly. McCain's "Everything is important and priorities are for pussies!" response got no traction compared to Obama's "Energy, healthcare, entitlements in that order." And I suspect he could have put them in any order as long as he was answering the question instead of evading it. I don't know what that says in terms of actual votes, but I hope somebody from both campaigns was watching.
Yeah. I wonder if McCain may have been at least partly motivated by Obama's response to his "I'm suspending the campaign to go save the world", i.e. A president may at times be expected to do more than one thing at a time.
The problem with this argument, which people also make here, particularly in terms of which candidate would deal better with terrorism, is that McCain has typewriter military experience in an internet world.
I figure it goes back at least in part to your revolutionary roots. Your first President was a victorious general. As were Grant and Eisenhower. Seems when you guys really like a war, someone gets moved into the Oval Office. Incidentally, Washington surrendered a grand total of once in his military career, and it was to the French. Wuss.
Does the "That one" bother people?
From what I'm reading in the media, yes, possibly a lot. It's not good. He's getting a reputation in this election for being unable to control his temper. It doesn't look Presidential, it gives credence to Obama's "erratic in a crisis" charge. He's going to lose. The electorate believes what Obama says about McCain; they don't believe what McCain says about Obama.
You know, this is th first time in twelve years that I won't be in America for the Presidential election. This is weirding me out a little.
I'm not sure why our taking out their leaders and collaterally killing a bunch of civillians will change their minds, but apparently it does.
Because, according to Toby, they'll like us when we win. (I've been watching a lot of West Wing of late. I am such a political tragic. Oh, this just in: Apparently Jed Bartlet's won a second term.)