Just in case there's anyone who wants to be more angry: The camp that 'cures' homosexuality
“Am I in denial?” he asks. “Absolutely. I live a life of denial and I love it. I didn't choose my same-sex feelings but I do choose how I'm going to steward them. Freedom is possible.” At Exodus people are not gay; they “struggle with same-sex attraction” (SSA).
I wonder if that would work as a gay pickup line. "I'm so struggling with SSA right now...."
“The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality,” says Chambers, sagely. “It's holiness.” Speech over, he asks people to come forward to be prayed for. A boy of no more than 16 steps up, hanging his head. When he returns from the stage to the sound of applause, his stony-faced father nods in approval. His mother weeps.
Yet it has been claimed by critics, many of whom have undergone treatment themselves, that some same-sex attraction therapy can exacerbate anxiety and depression, in extreme cases leading to suicidal feelings.
Huh. There's
no way
anyone could have anticipated that....
I can't cut and paste from my mail client to excel and it is making me all ragey and insane.
Perhaps I'm a bit irritable today.
I can't cut and paste from my mail client to excel and it is making me all ragey and insane.
That's weird, I wonder what data type is being registered in the clipboard by the mail client.
I haven't watched this yet, but....
Palin faking her accent? You betcha
While live-blogging the debate last Thursday night I made an offhand comparison between Sarah Palin and the familiar “you betcha” uttered repeatedly in “Fargo” by Frances McDormand’s character, police chief Marge Gunderson, and others in that great Coen brothers' film.
Well, whaddya know? Julia of Firedoglake has produced a neat little video demonstrating that Palin lives with IGS: Intermittent Gunderson Syndrome. Turns out Palin has an accent except, ya know, when she doesn’t.
It's unix to a window emulator so all sorts of hijinx ensue. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Of course, moot now because the damned mail server has just gone walkabout and taken my entire inbox with it.
Sigh. One of those days.
OMG, I called in to our all-staff meeting, and it's such a nightmare! I now feel even worse for our out-based staff who have to do this every month. Five minues in, and all we've had is side conversations, paper rustling, and "Hello???"
I think the accent has been exaggerated, but the folksiness has been completely manufactured.
“The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality,” says Chambers, sagely. “It's holiness.”
So...what's the opposite of heterosexuality? I mean, if homosexuality has an opposite, surely heterosexuality does.
There are very few things more damaging than a church-sponsored "ex-gay" organization. I saw it with the FAC. They teach that God loves you exactly as you are and you don't need to change a thing to earn God's love...um, er, except if you're gay, in which case you DO need to change.
Ignorant, ignorant, ignorant.
Turns out Palin has an accent except, ya know, when she doesn’t.
Lord, she must be hoping that she and Cheney lose, because if they win, she has to fake an accent for 4 years. (Well, not really, though, because if they win, they're accountable to no one, and she could do whatever she wants, including drop the accent and shoot moose on the White House front lawn while Todd races his snowmobile around the putting green.)
They do have concrete yard art. I kind of like concrete yard art, but they are living the cliche.
Ah, to truly complete the cliche, the house would have to be a double wide.
Lord, she must be hoping that she and Cheney lose, because if they win, she has to fake an accent for 4 years.
GAH! MOM, Steph created an even scarier ticket!!!! MAKE HER STOP!