Which one? The Book of Tiki?
Actually, no. ::marks to go back and look at later::
I have Tiki Modern and Tiki Road Trip, because yes, there is a road trip involved. Hopefully along with the Road Trip USA book and the 1964 Texaco Road Atlas I got off eBay, I'll be able to recreate a fairly decent cross-country journey.
Let me know if you need any detailed background information. (or music - I've got tons) My column was titled Tiki Noir and I tracked down tiki bar scenes in old vintage hardboiled fiction from the fifties and sixties.
Excellent! And thank you! I may well hit you up on that offer.
Have you seen the movie I Am Cuba? I presume so - but if not, it's got an amazing scene in a Tiki-ish nightclub in Havana.
Actually, I haven't-- given its provenance as a propaganda documentary, it didn't seem to suit my purposes for the research, but I've heard it's an amazing piece of film, regardless. The one I saw that was absolutely beautiful was The Lost City.
wonder what a LA1 would look like. probably way too much pretty.
the other day I was in Bed Bath & Beyond, and was THE ONLY CUSTOMER IN THE STORE.
so wrong. although there is a very isolated BB&B closeish to me and I have been in there early on a Sat with only a handful of people.
Did you know that there is a BB&B in Tribeca? I went there on a Saturday, and it was nearly empty too. Nobody knows about it!
Did you know that there is a BB&B in Tribeca? I went there on a Saturday, and it was nearly empty too. Nobody knows about it!
When I was in NYC in July, I was stunned to find a BB&B right on Broadway and 67th, or so. It kills me how these stores I'm so accustomed to seeing as huge stand alone buildings or at the very least, as anchors for a strip mall, just blend into the cityscape.
I did not. But I am almost never in tribeca.
omg y'all so tired.
We have a BB&B in town - right near the Target!
The BB&B way on the east side by the 59th St bridge is not busy either, IME.
When I was in NYC in July, I was stunned to find a BB&B right on Broadway and 67th, or so. It kills me how these stores I'm so accustomed to seeing as huge stand alone buildings or at the very least, as anchors for a strip mall, just blend into the cityscape.
Yeah, it's kind of weird how we have all the big box stores now.
ION, I'm home sick and asked my minion to figure something out online for me. She wrote back saying it looks like you have to register on some site to figure it out. OK...so register! I'm not so sure about this new minion.
I wasn't kidding, though the hood got put back on.
My wife sent me info on the rules for the "debate" tonight.
The Obama-McCain event tonight consists of two parallel press conferences that happen to be in the same room. The detailed rules hammered out by the two campaigns state that the questions were to have been submitted in advance by the audience members and over the Internet. The questioner may not change the question and the microphone will be cut off after the question. Neither the questioner nor the moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC, may ask followup questions. The candidates may not question each other. There will be no debate at all.
Sounds boring, which probably favors Obama.