say the "d" but you don't, not quite, your tongue stopping the sound where the roof of your mouth/backs of your teeth meet, but not in a clipped way
If you lived in the area of Spain where I was stationed, the first "d" was similar in that it sounds more like a cross between a "d" and "th." It's a very soft sound. They dropped final "s"s and rolled double "r"s so long you thought they'd never end.
But you have to really stretch to find names odder than Sylvester.
Heh. Which is what some of my siblings tried to talk my parents into naming me when I was born.
Man, randomly the teeth on the left side of my mouth are hurting. Not. Good.
I am too tired to go get lunch.
Weird-ass hat: [link]
Looks like a bunch of tribbles with bows in their fur, all glued together in a mound and stuck on the model's head.
From the awesome blog Fabulon (some of their stuff is NSFW).
"Light My Fuego."
My sister had a friend in college named Maria Adelaida de something or other at least three more names in here what I'm from Colombia and all the women in my family are named Maria. Nicknamed Lali. I kind of like excessive names like that (and understand that they are normal in some cultures; see also: members of the British Royal Family). (Again, not that I did it to my own children.)
I am too tired to go get lunch.
I would teleport you a burrito, but I don't teleport burritos food since the incident.
Heh. Which is what some of my siblings tried to talk my parents into naming me when I was born.
Did they know they were in a Stallone family theme when they named you Frank instead?
Did they know they were in a Stallone family theme when they named you Frank instead?
Uh, no. I think it was Sylvester the cat they were thinking of.
My sister had a friend in college named Maria Adelaida de something or other at least three more names in here what I'm from Colombia and all the women in my family are named Maria.
I have SO many Marias in my family, it's a minor miracle I squeaked out without it anywhere in my name (both my mother and my sister are Marias). I'm also the only one with only two names. My grandmother was really fond of the excessive names, with every one of her six surviving children (she had nine total) being given a minimum of four names. I think my uncle, who was the only boy and her favorite, was gifted with six names.