Well, here I am at the law firm. Our 11:00 client still hasn't shown up, and I've got all my voice mail messages picked up and delivered to the lawyer, all my forms copied and ready to hand out to the clients, and my own e-mail sorted through and deleted (mostly spam). Now I get to play on the internets and read my book until we start getting people to show up for their appointments!
I was watching my Spaced dvds again last night. Now I want to greet clients with "Oi, oi!" and "You lucky people...", ala Tyres.
I am mildly bummed- I had seen this bag [link] on the B&N website, but they were out of it. Went to my two local B&N stores to look for it, they said they never got any in (which I can believe, since I go to both fairly often and hadn't seen them with the rest of the SCAD items on display).
I really like this bag-- I gave my sister my old microfiber tote so she could carry her laptop and I figured I'd just use my backpack, but it would be nice to have a tote to throw it into when I want to run up to the bookstore to work or whatever. Plus, it was pretty and different.
Any suggestions where I might look for some unique tote/messenger bags?
I have no idea, barb. Although I would be interested. (although I get a journal at that link, which is very pretty.)
My cat is sitting in my lap for the first time ever. I got her in may! She sits next to me, and on my if I am laying down, but has never sat in my lap. I think it is because the apartment is cold.
I get all my bags from Ebags. [link] They have everything that ever was invented, bag-wise, great service and fast shipping.
Try this link, Sophia [link]
And yay kitties on laps!
I have a Black Lab on my feet. My feet are nicely toasty.
Muppet won't sit in your lap for more than 5 seconds, but she's content to lie on top of your hand for as long as you can stand it.
I watched SNL this morning (did you see the mock-CSPAN bailout press conference?) and then caught the panel discussion on this week which also showed the debate sketch.
Oh, I hear Palin has used Bill Ayres to attack Obama.
Oh, I hear Palin has used Bill Ayres to attack Obama.
Yep-- says he's "palling around with terrorists."
Sounds as if they're counting on "Joe Six-Pack" being as intellectually incurious as she is.