Kat, did you end up going to the doctor?
Sigh, I hate to say it, but I think as long as Palin can form actual sentences she'll be fine. I've come to the conclusion that the debates are just a Rorschach test, all they do is confirm your previous impression.
Once a headache starts I become less tolerant of any scent
Yeah, I get nauseated, so scents are not generally my friend when migrainey. But I find ginger soothing. I have some ginger body lotion I really like, when I've already taken meds, and taken a shower, and am trying to soldier on...sadly, bought several tubs and then it seemed to be discontinued. Sigh. (Best part of course being that not only was it just ginger and no other scents, it was *cheap*).
(Sullivan, FTR, has been extremely critical of Palin from the beginning):
Well, he liked her for about four days, before the reality of her set in. Then he grew increasingly, hilariously, furious.
My parents: [link]
Speaking of hair - check out this awesome album cover: The Faith Tones: "Jesus Use Me" LP cover
It's not often that I wish you'd just posted a link to a naked cat instead.
How To Use the Bailout to Ask Your Parents For Money:
This bailout is pretty nuts, huh? I’ve been watching the whole thing on the news; first it’s going to pass, then it doesn’t pass, now it’s coming back. All that money. It really makes you think: sometimes, it’s important for money to be given to people, even if the reason they need the money is that they’re failing.
Plei, how old were your parents when they got married? They look like babies in that picture! Especially your dad.
How To Use the Bailout to Ask Your Parents For Money:
Been there, done that. Not fun.
Kathleen Parker talks about the response to her piece about Palin - and how she isn't qualified to be VEEP:
Palin's fans say they like her specifically because she's an outsider, not part of the Washington club. When she flubs during interviews, they identify with that, too. "You see the lack of polish, we applaud it," one reader wrote.
Of course, there's a difference between a lack of polish and a lack of coherence. Some of Palin's interview responses can't even be critiqued on their merits because they're so nonsensical. But even that is someone else's fault, say Palin supporters. The media make her uncomfortable.
Or, it's the fault of those slick politicos who are overmanaging her. "Let Sarah be Sarah" has become the latest rallying cry among my colleagues on the right. She'll be fine if we just leave her alone, they say. Between prayers, I might add.