This is pretty funny:
McCain camp prays for Palin wedding
In an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one — the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancé before the November 4 election.
Inside John McCain’s campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby. “It would be fantastic,” said a McCain insider. “You would have every TV camera there. The entire country would be watching. It would shut down the race for a week.”
Um... where to begin....
[link] "how mcCain wins"
[link] Fareed Zakaria - "Palin is ready? Please."
OK, the caffeine is now taking effect.
Did I mention that I bought an iPod Touch? One of the cool things it has is a stock tracker. So on some days I can press the stock button and watch the stock market plunge. Like today.
William Kristol is not only stupid, he's this close to being deluded.
Happy New Year!
Now I'm gonna go throw a ton of work at my jewish coworker because it needs to be done before she's off to observe it. I don't think she'll appreciate it.
My day so far: up at 6:30 due to Loki chewing on my hair. Off at 8 to pick up cat. Car smells like death (there has to be a leak somewhere because this is happening whenever it gets rained on heavily.) MK poops in the carrier 4 parking spaces from home. A cat barfed on the bed. Get to work at 9:30. Ahrg, so much to do. So I'd best get started.
Oh, and some other not good news that'll probably come out later.
IONonCampaignN, Jermaine Dupri Vomits On Janet Jackson
I just don't get that -- he's a grown man! Keep yourself together, people!
This is fascinating - how close the economy came to disaster last week....
September 26, 2008 · The potential for disaster was horrifying. For people on Wall Street and in the inner circles of government, last Wednesday and Thursday will long be remembered as the time when the American economy survived a brush with death.
The nation's entire financial system slid toward a terrifying abyss, they say — a landscape where no one would lend and no one could borrow, where no one could buy anything and no one could get paid. As Congress and the Bush administration continue debating a proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street, those with intimate knowledge of the crisis say that whatever solution emerges must avert future brushes with very real disaster.
eta: The Week America's Economy Almost Died
This is fascinating - how close the economy came to disaster last week....
I heard a similar story on NPR last week (Saturday, maybe?) and it just made me want to stick my head in the ground further.
Also, there's a not-inconsiderable handful of economists who are predicting a massive bank run in the near future.
t edit
Wait, I just realized that I took that info from the Bill Kristol editorial. I need to find other corroboration before I worry.
It's like telling a crowd not to panic. If you have 2 or 3 people in a room, you can get them to not panic; 10-15 people, well, if you get *some* to not panic, then they can help you calm down the others; but a large crowd? All bets are off. All it takes is one person to start panicking, and mass chaos ensues.
So all it's going to take is enough people pulling their money out of their bank, and soon it's going to gain momentum and people will be flipping out and it'll be It's a Wonderful Life all over again.
t /Eeyore