Barb, I do feel your pain in being surrounded by hooples.
Thanks, erika-- I'm just glad it wasn't me in that situation, because I'm not sure I would've been that polite. A was all, "How come you don't get these crazies?" to which my response was, "Because I'm an ill-tempered, anti-social introvert who refuses to engage idiots."
ETA: That's adorable, Allyson. Good mom!
The SEC standings [link] show the real extent of the approach of the apocalypse.
I do not understand the people who want a president who is just like them. I want a president who is better than I am.
The SEC standings [link] show the real extent of the approach of the apocalypse.
Of course I thought that was going to be the Securities and Exchange Commission, and was wondering what kind of standings they would have....
ION, I noticed last weekend that my black linen capris have a hole in them. I would like to have a new pair for Vegas in a couple of weeks (VEGAS!!!) (I'm assuming it'll still be hot, right?), but of course they are now impossible to find. Feh.
Aww Allyson, glad to hear your mom is there for you right now.
WRT Palin, I was surprised to learn the conservative-leaning members of my family (married into, family I was born into is liberal all the way) are vehemently anti-Palin.
The SEC standings [link] show the real extent of the approach of the apocalypse.
I just told Lewis about it-- he's on his way home from the Jags game, so he hadn't seen the polls yet-- and his first response was, "I think I just saw Frodo running past muttering something about a ring."
ION, I noticed last weekend that my black linen capris have a hole in them. I would like to have a new pair for Vegas in a couple of weeks (VEGAS!!!) (I'm assuming it'll still be hot, right?), but of course they are now impossible to find. Feh.
Jesse, have you tried
and in YourBuffooneryToday: [link] (I do like the twist ending)
To whoever posted the link to the McCain Gambling piece: thank you.
Jesse, have you tried
Oh, I will! Good one, thanks.
I do not understand the people who want a president who is just like them. I want a president who is better than I am.
Right? I'm a smart person (that's not me being egotistical; I refuse to pretend I'm not smart because it "isn't acceptable" to acknowledge one's own strengths). And yet, I don't want someone *as smart as* me in office. Fuck no. I'd destroy the planet if I were POTUS. I want someone WAY smarter than me in office.
I think that the people who say they can relate to Palin, who say they like Shrub because he's "folksy," are people who really believe that that imagined affinity is reciprocal; if *they* can related to Palin, then surely *she* can relate to *them.* And if she relates to them, then she'll be on their side when she's in office.
I'm fairly certain that's been widely disproven with Shrub; the people he relates to, in the sense of "passing legislation that makes their lives easier," are big-business owners, NOT the people who think he's "folksy." He's SCREWED the people who think he's "folksy."
Why they don't see that, and don't think that Palin will do the same damn thing is beyond my comprehension.
I think that the people who say they can relate to Palin, who say they like Shrub because he's "folksy," are people who really believe that that imagined affinity is reciprocal
Yep. The whole "who would you want to have a beer with" line of crap is predicated on "and of course he would just
to have a beer with you". And Reagan? Wouldn't. Shrub? Wouldn't. Ross Perot? Lord knows he probably would, because who the hell else does he have to drink with and ramble at...