Not sure, but I'd be willing to try one.
I don't think it would be good for you in your present state.
First of all, trying to make out with him while novacained is a sure recipe for drooling all over him.
Is that the impression you want to make?
Also, all of your witty quips will sounds like "Ngwwwou? Dozerygi! Ba ra ba!"
Hee!! I might sound like that aroused, anyway. You never know!
And how did I forget that there was a Cable Drama thread!! SO MUCH Mad Men goodness!!
Hee!! I might sound like that aroused, anyway. You never know!
Now we know the secret love cry of the MiracleBorns: "Dozerygi! Ba ra ba!"
Hee!! I might sound like that aroused, anyway. You never know!
And I figured the drooling was a given where Daniel was concerned.
I'll be on during the day tomorrow Aims. We can talk lots and lots of Mad Men goodness.
I finally have my loan check. So, I can turn in my car and the check to the dealer tomorrow and have Dave drive the new car home. Then I'll get the new car converted on Tuesday or Thursday. This means being without a car for a while, but it should all be worth it.
And how did I forget that there was a Cable Drama thread!! SO MUCH Mad Men goodness!!
Joining the :head smack:. I keep forgetting about the Cable thread.
I'm paying invoices, and I just watched the Slapsgiving episode of HIMYM (like, three times) so every time I see "general ledger" there are people saluting him in my head.
This means being without a car for a while, but it should all be worth it.
I know it has been a frustrating ordeal for you, but yay for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel finally. Also, go you will the bazillion phone calls. I dread those projects.
Thanks, Laura. Can someone tell my mother that it is safe for me to drive home after having one margarita 2 hours ago?