Sadly, Bev, it's a column in which I am being someone else, which is one of my fates as a writer. For several years, I wrote a column in which I was being the president of a large utility, without the concomitant pay grade.
Also, it's good to see you in these parts. I hope it's the treadmill of your dreams.
The elliptical machine at the Y hasn't been the same since they stopped showing the Daily Show at 8 a.m.
Thanks for the ~~ma!!! The novacaine was good, the nitrous was great, but him finding another cavity was not.
I am owie.
::gently snorgles Aims, makes nice restorative puddings and soups and Daniel Radcliffes::
Is it possible to make a nice restorative Daniel Radcliffe?
Not sure, but I'd be willing to try one.
Is it possible to make a nice restorative Daniel Radcliffe?
It's page 13 of
The Many Moods of Daniel Radcliffe.
And Barb, I desperately need to talk Mad Men with you SOON.