I plan to be watching Season 3 of How I Met Your Mother.
I have a question... if I am buying boot laces, do they go by the number of eyelets or the number of pairs of eyelets? If I have sixteen eyelets do I want 16 eyelet boot laces or 8 eyelet ones?..eyelet...eyelet...eyelet... the word has lost all meaning.
I thought it was pairs of eyelets. At least, when I buy laces for my Doc's they are purchased for pairs of eyelets, so 16 individule eyelets would be 8 eyes.
Yeah, it's pairs of eyelets.
Twas just a twinge of nothing ~ma for Daniel.
Quick healing without icky drugs ~ma for Teppy.
I have to watch the debate. I can't help myself. I'm hoping it will keep me awake. The last one was sleep inducing.
Oy. Two of my students just friended me on facebook.
I have two facebooks -- one for friends, one for students.
Laga, where is your tagline from?
I'm looking at the shiny new laptop that I finally picked up from the store today after having it optimized. Although I am typing on the crackberry because the laptop isn't connected to the internet yet. It's my first laptop! Of course now it looks like I probably shouldn't have gotten it because I am going to have to pay for the car hand controls out of pocket. I figured I should get it now before I'm married and lose SS.
I have two facebooks -- one for friends, one for students.
I think I'm going to have to do this, too.
How Obama does not just heave an enormous sigh and put his head in his hands I do not know.