So, I've been offline for a few days freaking out because my Internet Boyfriend will be here tomorrow.
I haven't talked about him alot because, I guess, I've been worried that if I do then something will happen and things will go badly and I'll feel foolish for saying anything.
Anyway, he's going to be here tomorrow afternoon and will be here until Monday morning. And we'll see what happens. I'm excited and nervous and I really like him and I'm hoping this goes well.
askye, I think things will go very well. But I am hoping extra hard for you .
askye, here's hoping it's all wonderful (as I suspect it will be)
Askye, you deserve the best, so I hope that you have a wonderful time!
Askye, ~ma for a wonderful weekend!
I was lazy and just got it from the store at
Thanks! Now I WANT!!!!!
(this deserves it's own line)
{{{Shir}}}. I'm so sorry for your loss.
{{{{{{ SHIR }}}}}}
Thank you for sharing her art work. Very sorry for your loss.
medical~ma for Daniel.
Nora & Beth - all the job~ma.
askye - do not stress. You've got this. You're going to have a great time.
Askye, you'll be fine. Just be yourself, and all will be awesome.
Vortex, have you looked at Army/Navy stores? They typically have trench coats. Dunno if the 'fashion' changes all that much. And you don't have to settle for green. Silly me should have asked. They do have some black and khaki ones. It might mean an order, but, it's an idea.
The whole Future!Pix vs Past!Pix is confusing me, as Present!Pix will soon do something that Future!Pix will look back on and berate Present!Pix, who will then be Past!Pix for staying up late again or something. But... but... there is only one Pix! And she is made of the awesome! So all you x!Pix's, back off my Pix! (my brain hurts now)
Also, it's getting close to that time where we laugh, cry, and scream at our TV's (or avoid them all together). The final 2008 Presidential Debate is on in about 40 minutes.