Wow, I don't know how teachers do it. Seriously. Between my offline teacher friends and my teacher friends, I hear many stories that amaze me with delight and many that curl my toes they're so horrible. I honestly don't know how you guys do it. But, thank you for doing it. I'll say something on a personal note: when I needed help with home situations, the "guidance counselors" always sucked and my teachers were the ones who came through for me.
I love reading Fay posts. And Fay, I have some friends (who are trying to adopt their second child out of Vietnam) who will be staying in Bankok for an undetermined length of time (it's much cheaper than staying in Hanoi)...may I email you for advice on Bankok bargains?
Sean, all I can say is that you've proved you're noble and a very caring friend. Now prove you're smart and take care of yourself.
Kristin, don't be embarrassed. Lots of people put off going to doctors and dentists, especially when they've got a million other things to worry about. Hope things work out okay.
And now I've forgotten what I was going to say originally, but that's okay. I need to get my ass back into the office anyway.
{{{all y'all}}}
I just found out my sister's awful ex boyfriend (not the narcissistic last one, the alchoholic before that) is moving back in with her. To complicate things, he's my roommate's Dad. I'm considering finding a new place to live. I had already decided to write M off if she made any more horrible decisions man-wise, but I can't tell D not to let his own father come over. The fun part is I get to pretend I don't know because Mom's birthday is Friday and I don't want to ruin it for her.
Damn, your sister is a piece of work, isn't she?
I said to D, "I thought your dad couldn't get work in SoCal." D said, "He thinks something will be available in the spring."
meanwhile he's got six months or more to do nothing but spend my sister's money on beer. Maybe I can arrange to be gone whenever he's here.
tea- here's hoping I win a boatload of cash on that game show tomorrow.
We have these friends who are punk rockers [link] They are having a baby boy in February and are looking for punky/cute babywear. We purchased the following items (all from Old Navy Halloween collection) for them:
That was the most fun I've had spending money in a long time!
OMFG. My doctor's office screwed up a refill for the meds I take for my IBS (given that it's for my over-active GI tract, once can understand how I NEED IT REFILLED, yes), and gave ME shit about it.
They have a policy that they don't do same-day refills, which is fine. I called yesterday for a refill, knowing that I'd be out of drugs after this morning (and now I am).
Because I switched to longer work hours, I need to get the drugs at a CVS by my *work,* not my house, and when I called for the refill, I gave them the name and address of the CVS I needed.
I call CVS today to find out if the Rx had been filled, and (1) it was sent to a different CVS, and (2) it was the wrong drug.
I call Dr.'s office, and the receptionist got all shirty with me, telling me that the refill I requested was a drug I had never been prescribed, so they can't just give me whatever drug I request.
I read her the label of my Rx, including the name of the prescribing doctor, and then the receptionist tells me that she doesn't see the drug listed in my records. I asked her if she wanted me to drive to the office and show her the bottle. She said no, type type type, then rattles off the names of a blood-pressure med I took FIVE YEARS AGO. I said that NO, the drug I need refilled is [drug name].
Type, type, type. Then she says, "Oh, I see it." And doesn't say anything else. I said, well, I need the medication today, and since I followed your office policy of calling it in yesterday, I'm assuming the correct refill will be sent to the pharmacy TODAY?
"Well, I can't tell you that."
I was literally speechless for about 10 seconds. Then I said, "Excuse me, but *I* complied with your office policy; I called the refill in yesterday and knew it wouldn't be ready until today. It's not MY fault that the wrong drug got sent to the wrong pharmacy. I still need the drug today, as I planned for YESTERDAY. So I need to know if it will be sent to the pharmacy for a pickup TODAY."
Receptionist says, "Look, all I can do is give it to the doctor; I can't tell you if he'll agree to fill what you asked for."
Everyone I know who goes to this doctor has problems with his office staff. And, you know, I understand that they probably get a LOT of calls from demanding patients. I get that. Customer service (and that's what this is) is not an easy job.
But I wasn't demanding that they waive their rules for me; I *followed* their rules. THEY'RE the ones who screwed up the prescription, and so they need to make it right, and make it right within the timeframe that *I* adhered to.
They close at 4:30, IIRC, and I'm going to wait until 3:30 to call CVS to see if the new prescription was sent there. If it wasn't, I'm going to the doctor's office to talk to them in person, and I fully plan to describe, loudly and in great detail, WHY I need the drugs NOW for my goddamn irritable bowel syndrome.