OMFG. My doctor's office screwed up a refill for the meds I take for my IBS (given that it's for my over-active GI tract, once can understand how I NEED IT REFILLED, yes), and gave ME shit about it.
They have a policy that they don't do same-day refills, which is fine. I called yesterday for a refill, knowing that I'd be out of drugs after this morning (and now I am).
Because I switched to longer work hours, I need to get the drugs at a CVS by my *work,* not my house, and when I called for the refill, I gave them the name and address of the CVS I needed.
I call CVS today to find out if the Rx had been filled, and (1) it was sent to a different CVS, and (2) it was the wrong drug.
I call Dr.'s office, and the receptionist got all shirty with me, telling me that the refill I requested was a drug I had never been prescribed, so they can't just give me whatever drug I request.
I read her the label of my Rx, including the name of the prescribing doctor, and then the receptionist tells me that she doesn't see the drug listed in my records. I asked her if she wanted me to drive to the office and show her the bottle. She said no, type type type, then rattles off the names of a blood-pressure med I took FIVE YEARS AGO. I said that NO, the drug I need refilled is [drug name].
Type, type, type. Then she says, "Oh, I see it." And doesn't say anything else. I said, well, I need the medication today, and since I followed your office policy of calling it in yesterday, I'm assuming the correct refill will be sent to the pharmacy TODAY?
"Well, I can't tell you that."
I was literally speechless for about 10 seconds. Then I said, "Excuse me, but *I* complied with your office policy; I called the refill in yesterday and knew it wouldn't be ready until today. It's not MY fault that the wrong drug got sent to the wrong pharmacy. I still need the drug today, as I planned for YESTERDAY. So I need to know if it will be sent to the pharmacy for a pickup TODAY."
Receptionist says, "Look, all I can do is give it to the doctor; I can't tell you if he'll agree to fill what you asked for."
Everyone I know who goes to this doctor has problems with his office staff. And, you know, I understand that they probably get a LOT of calls from demanding patients. I get that. Customer service (and that's what this is) is not an easy job.
But I wasn't demanding that they waive their rules for me; I *followed* their rules. THEY'RE the ones who screwed up the prescription, and so they need to make it right, and make it right within the timeframe that *I* adhered to.
They close at 4:30, IIRC, and I'm going to wait until 3:30 to call CVS to see if the new prescription was sent there. If it wasn't, I'm going to the doctor's office to talk to them in person, and I fully plan to describe, loudly and in great detail, WHY I need the drugs NOW for my goddamn irritable bowel syndrome.