Gronk. Woke up from nap. Throat feels better. Might be the metric shitton of raw garlic I swished it with in a broth medium.
I think I'll feel decent enough to fake it thru an interview tomorrow, provided I get to come home and collapse into bed after. Interview's at noon, I have an outfit all picked out, and I am going to lay in bed and imbibe hot tea and a thick book and sleep some more.
I think I will spend the next 46 minutes looking at sexual assault stats for the US and KC area, and examining the website closely.
yay for baby J
stay off the knee -- if it doesn't heal -- there is always surgery.
get well,Daniel.
you too Erin
and everyone else I missed.
Looks like Matt will have a contract position -- nothing is settled yet. the plan is for it to move to permanent.Nothing is settled yet,so we can't release his job ma~~~ yet. However, things look promising
Thanks Beth. I can't wait to be able to snuggle him this weekend. Finalizing the deal-ma to Matt.
EEEH! Where did you find HK picks?????
Sam Ashe!!!! I can send you some!
for some reason my pinky finger hurts, so i'm letting go of the shift key for a while.
feel better and get this job ma for erin.
peace ma for sj, and for j, continued healing ma.
job ma for matt.
have come to the conclusion that sitting in the hospital next to one's boyfriend is not quite as bad as being stuck in a car for the same amount of time. the cranky level is higher, but there is more opportunity to stand up and walk around.
gotta remember to charge my cell phone....
I had a new storytime today. One of the girls belongs here -- she had a pink cast encrusted with jewels.
it's barely fall, and already I'm dealing with A CHRISTMAS CAROL. I can't seem to escape this show. I only watched Act 1. I can't take both acts at once just yet.
it's barely fall, and already I'm dealing with A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
You still have time for rewrites, then. Why not have the Ghost of Christmas Future show the Cratchets rising up, seizing the means of production and distribution, and sending Scrooge to a re-education camp? He can reform in order to keep his workers somewhat more content in a Capitalist system where he still retains most of the power.