Is there some kind of Time Management program? Not quite 12-step or Weight Watchers, but, you know, something that I can say "you've identified this as a problem, how about this to help you learn to make it right".
Tons of 'em. Books, websites, life coaches, therapy methodologies -- a whole range of possibilities from do-it-yourself on up. For this guy, from the sounds of things, I'd probably suggest starting with the book
ADD-Friendly Ways To Organize Your Life --
with the disclaimer that you don't have to be ADD to benefit, and that I'm not trying to diagnose anyone, but it's got a lot of quick and digestible tips without getting into a big you-must-be-a-productivity-ninja thing. And with the caveat that it's an ongoing process; not just buy a book and you're done, but work on a few habits at a time, see if the approach works better, rejigger what isn't working, work on self awareness, and then start again tomorrow...
Also, it's something I've seen a lot of with people that age. They may be smart and skilled, but learning that, hey, dumbass, actually showing up and doing what you said you'd do is the MOST IMPORTANT THING is something that a lot of post-college-age kids don't really seem to get until they've gotten spanked by it a few times. I've come around to thinking that one of the big goals with student workers and interns is teaching them how to have a job.
(And it's definitely
something people are either born with or hopeless at -- even if some learn it more easily than others.)
Ok, so there is wi-fi in the hospital. The morphine seems to be helping take the edge off the pain. Daniel appreciates all your good wishes, and so do I.
I struggle with this all the time, especially when I'm grappling with depression. But that's also a factor of having some flexibility with work - when I had jobs where it was more rigid, it was still a scramble, but I didn't let the time slip nearly as badly.
J is out of surgery! Everything went perfectly, and hopefully he won't need another one until he needs his pacemaker moved in about 6 years. I can breathe again.
I remember various of the songs I had, but figured I'd ask the Bitches if they have any suggestions. It's mostly cheesy stuff--I have some country songs ("Stand" by Rascall Flatts), "Fighter", by Christina Aguilera, "Stronger" by Kanye...I forget what else, I have to go through my music. Other suggestions?
Chumbawumba -
Gloria Gaynor -
I will Survive
Destiny's Child -
Louis Armstrong -
Everybody wants to be a cat
(, just because.)
Fairground Attraction -
me too! Also wishing Daniel gets well soon.
Much healing~ma for Daniel.
yay for J! Enjoy the morphine Daniel!
Amych, you are wise.
As a treat for myself for having to deal with lack-o-timeswareness employee, I drove downtown after work to the Central Library branch of the Dallas Public Library. I now have a library card!!! Best thing about having the new drivers licence. With it, I've signed out the next season of Stargate Atlantis! 7 days, no charge. Woot. One of the librarians that was packing up her stuff to go home was heard saying "I know what you'll be doing tonight". It was very funny the way she said it.