Someone's husband, mother-in-law, or other close and persnickety person complained.
Hmm. Possibly. People tend to be private about that stuff (mikveh doors are generally designed so that you can't see them from the street), but I can see that, I guess.
Probably not a mother-in-law, though. First, I think that many of the younger people at this synagogue have less-observant parents. Also, even for people who do have Orthodox parents, the parents probably wouldn't be at this synagogue -- this congregation is fairly young, since it's mostly people who live in the city for college and then jobs, and get married and have babies, but then move out to the suburbs once the kids are old enough for school, since there aren't any Orthodox schools in the city.
Every time I've been in church and heard something that made me go "hmmmm" it was actually directed at one or two particular people. The first time that I recall I was about 15, and so disappointed when I realized the preacher was talking about how her son was unfairly bullied and not really talking about what I thought she was talking about.
Which is a useful thing to say, I suppose, but I'm left wondering how he got any information about how long women were waiting to go to the mikveh to begin with.
He consulted the periodic table.
guess whose cat had something that looked like a hypoglycemic incident.
guess whoisn't going to sleep well tonight.
well,it a bazillionty two degress ,and I wouldn't have slept any way
Woman is refusing to return library book because she thinks it's pornographic She can possibly get jail time. The book? It's Perfectly Normal, a well respected book about puberty for teens and pre teens.
Last weekend we noticed a wildly pitching steering wheel when I drove the Grand Am.
Fearing the worst, a problem with the front steering components, I called in my cousin Steve.
Turned out to be a massive bulge in one tire, enough to make me take Windsparrow's car to work, because she was driving locally, I was driving 100 miles RT.
So I had Steve get me a used tire from a dealer. He ended up getting two, because the guy wouldn't sell him one of a set.
Fine, but only need one now, so Steve went to get it mounted for me before i had to drive to work Tuesday.
He got the car back to me just in time for me to drive to work Tuesday.
Just before getting in the car, I noticed an inscription on the outside of the tire.
Mount this side in.
I have an appointment tomorrow.
He's going to fix this, but....
Last weekend we noticed a wildly pitching steering wheel when I drove the Trans Am.
Dream on.