Waking ~ma to Emily.
Now, you'd think someone who has upwards of 750 cookbooks could think of something to make as an appetizer, right? It's not even for a huge crowd, just 25 or so. I know I'm going to make guacamole because it's Expected, especially by the Hub. (The man won't eat avocados in any form, other than my guacamole. I'm both flattered and shake my head at him.)
So Vat o'Guac and chips-- probably a combo bowl of Tostitos Gold and the Flour Tostitos.
I should do a veggie platter for the folks who like to be healthy with some sort of dip and probably some sort of cheese-- I'll have to see what looks good at Fresh Market. But I should have one more semi-substantial thing.
Problem is, there's just so much good stuff to make.
If meara were here, she's say tostones (? not sure if I spelled that right) because they are delicious like that, but they seem like a lot of work.
Hah! Yes, I would always say tostones, but they are a lot of work, it's true.
I would say if you're a Costco member, go buy some of their frozen appetizers and throw those in the oven. Spanakopita, or quiches, or something like that.
Or, fruit, to go with the veggies and the cheese. Is it just appetizers, or is it appetizers adn then there's some sort of real food? If there's real food later, then you don't need anything heartier...
Devilled eggs sound good. Maybe I'll make some for Monday.
Oh god, you had to bring up devilled eggs, didn't you? Mmmm....
Hi meara!
Okay, now I need to run off and teach... and then run home. bye!
Mmm... deviled eggs. Abby would love me forever. My daughter can go through deviled eggs like no one's business.
Yeah, there's real food following (beef brisket, nom nom nom) but I do like to offer variety when I do the appetizers for the family dinners because this crowd can get into a major culinary rut like you would NOT believe. You should've seen 'em descend like locusts the time I brought barbequed bourbon meatballs. Come to think of it, I could do those again, but I like to keep them on their toes.
They also won't let me do dessert anymore. So not fair.