Hah! Yes, I would always say tostones, but they are a lot of work, it's true.
I would say if you're a Costco member, go buy some of their frozen appetizers and throw those in the oven. Spanakopita, or quiches, or something like that.
Or, fruit, to go with the veggies and the cheese. Is it just appetizers, or is it appetizers adn then there's some sort of real food? If there's real food later, then you don't need anything heartier...
Devilled eggs sound good. Maybe I'll make some for Monday.
Oh god, you had to bring up devilled eggs, didn't you? Mmmm....
Hi meara!
Okay, now I need to run off and teach... and then run home. bye!
Mmm... deviled eggs. Abby would love me forever. My daughter can go through deviled eggs like no one's business.
Yeah, there's real food following (beef brisket, nom nom nom) but I do like to offer variety when I do the appetizers for the family dinners because this crowd can get into a major culinary rut like you would NOT believe. You should've seen 'em descend like locusts the time I brought barbequed bourbon meatballs. Come to think of it, I could do those again, but I like to keep them on their toes.
They also won't let me do dessert anymore. So not fair.
::makes note to plan to make tostones and maduros for next F2F::
Y'all are making me hungry. All I had for lunch was a Luna bar and some popcorn.
My sweetie is having gum surgery today. Please send painfree~ma her way.
Your WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::throws rice all over again::
::and painfree~ma::
Also, from way back: Kristin, we agree that momo looks like Seamus. So cute, those two! Does he have any white on him? The mo has a small white spot on her belly and a teensy one on her chest. When did I become the crazy cat lady???
Since I've already called myself out as a CCL, I'll also share that I was mourning momo's departure from tiny kitten-hood but Casper (not flea's Casper - btw Happy Birthday!) has cured me. I like when the kitten is no longer skittish around you. Casper is getting better but still hissing when we enter his room.