Mmm... deviled eggs. Abby would love me forever. My daughter can go through deviled eggs like no one's business.
Yeah, there's real food following (beef brisket, nom nom nom) but I do like to offer variety when I do the appetizers for the family dinners because this crowd can get into a major culinary rut like you would NOT believe. You should've seen 'em descend like locusts the time I brought barbequed bourbon meatballs. Come to think of it, I could do those again, but I like to keep them on their toes.
They also won't let me do dessert anymore. So not fair.
::makes note to plan to make tostones and maduros for next F2F::
Y'all are making me hungry. All I had for lunch was a Luna bar and some popcorn.
My sweetie is having gum surgery today. Please send painfree~ma her way.
Your WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::throws rice all over again::
::and painfree~ma::
Also, from way back: Kristin, we agree that momo looks like Seamus. So cute, those two! Does he have any white on him? The mo has a small white spot on her belly and a teensy one on her chest. When did I become the crazy cat lady???
Since I've already called myself out as a CCL, I'll also share that I was mourning momo's departure from tiny kitten-hood but Casper (not flea's Casper - btw Happy Birthday!) has cured me. I like when the kitten is no longer skittish around you. Casper is getting better but still hissing when we enter his room.
Sometimes I hate how busy we always are in our culture.
today I am not busy. Unless playing a video game and listening to DVD commentary while my roommate's dad tries to fix my car counts as busy.
GC, much -ma to your DW.
Kristin, how are you feeling today?
Kristin, how are you doing, Hon?
I've been thinking about you and worrying about you all day today.