Oh, I very much doubt it.
I wish I were mellifluous. At the moment I'm riding out the end of Matilda's cold which she was kind enough to share with me. I should be good by Saturday but there's an off chance I'll be alternating shots of whiskey and benedryl at which point the tour will get
entertaining indeed.
Also, I'll be doing various Tom Waits Trivia questions and awarding CD-Rs of live shows and such. I'm thinking I'll do a special Scrappy-Wins question and awarding you the bath oil I'm bringing from JZ.
Something like, "As we all know, Tom Waits is a huge roller skating aficionado. Can you name the roller skating move named after a Native American tribe?"
Ooh, that's an EXCELLENT question!
Need waking-ma. We have Open House tonight. There's no point in going home, but it doesn't start for another two hours, and my coworker's not coming back to go out to dinner for another one. I have to prepare what I'll say for 8 minutes to the five parents who might show up, and not fall asleep. Blargh.
Waking ~ma to Emily.
Now, you'd think someone who has upwards of 750 cookbooks could think of something to make as an appetizer, right? It's not even for a huge crowd, just 25 or so. I know I'm going to make guacamole because it's Expected, especially by the Hub. (The man won't eat avocados in any form, other than my guacamole. I'm both flattered and shake my head at him.)
So Vat o'Guac and chips-- probably a combo bowl of Tostitos Gold and the Flour Tostitos.
I should do a veggie platter for the folks who like to be healthy with some sort of dip and probably some sort of cheese-- I'll have to see what looks good at Fresh Market. But I should have one more semi-substantial thing.
Problem is, there's just so much good stuff to make.
If meara were here, she's say tostones (? not sure if I spelled that right) because they are delicious like that, but they seem like a lot of work.
Hah! Yes, I would always say tostones, but they are a lot of work, it's true.
I would say if you're a Costco member, go buy some of their frozen appetizers and throw those in the oven. Spanakopita, or quiches, or something like that.
Or, fruit, to go with the veggies and the cheese. Is it just appetizers, or is it appetizers adn then there's some sort of real food? If there's real food later, then you don't need anything heartier...
Devilled eggs sound good. Maybe I'll make some for Monday.