There are a number of law schools that have turned off Internet access in classrooms. It's one of the ongoing conversations right now amongst the Deans.
there is no reason for the students to have to use the internet during class. the one exception is a research class and those are usually held in the library!
Well, in a few of my graduate classes, the internet has proved helpful for looking up various facts in the course of discussion.
there is no reason for the students to have to use the internet
But people thought it was a great selling point to say the law school had wireless access everywhere. As you know, universities are all about selling amenities, not, you know, instruction and knowledge.
Meanwhile, the cite checkers are so cute with their absolute inability to decipher any acronym. Not.
GUESS who is going to be at the Burbank Best Buy tonight?? Go ahead. Guess who?
Yes, that's right. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK.
Stoopid move to Michigan.
starts pricing flights to Burbank from Michigan and setting up a paypal fund.
starts pricing flights to Burbank from Michigan and setting up a paypal fund.
Oh no you don't. I ain't movin' this house on my own.
Stoopid move to Michigan.
Yeah, it's horrible that you were dragged kicking and screaming to the wilds of the Midwest.
carmina burana is on my internet radio right now. makes me happy
glares at Vortex, convinced she did that on purpose
I used to read by the night light.
She was doing that at 11:30. It was so dark in there, I couldn't figure out where her head was, but then she moved it and I saw the white of the paper.
I seem to be all of you. And I used to read by moonlight when it was full. It's a wonder I'm not blinder than I am.
At least she comes by it honestly.