I used to read by the night light.
She was doing that at 11:30. It was so dark in there, I couldn't figure out where her head was, but then she moved it and I saw the white of the paper.
I seem to be all of you. And I used to read by moonlight when it was full. It's a wonder I'm not blinder than I am.
At least she comes by it honestly.
Yeah, it's horrible that you were dragged kicking and screaming to the wilds of the Midwest.
t stares at Connie
I'm going to see NKOTB in October!
I just overheard part of a promo for some Discovery channel show where a scientist said, "this is the holy grail of squid". I didn't turn around in time to see what show it was but I know I have to see it.
Hello all. I hope Kristin is doing better today. I kinda skipped some.
Had jury duty this morning but they decided that they didn't need me to administer justice and let me go before lunch. Woo! Now I am waiting impatiently for DH to take me for sushi.
yay for geting out of Jury Duty!
In today's exciting news: flat tire.
It's getting fixed while I'm at the cafe I'd normally go to. So, there's that.
Also, I've got Matilda's cold just in time to fly down to LA on Saturday, give a four hour bus tour and top it off with a book-reading. Fortunately, I think this will give my voice a gravelly gravitas worthy of Tom Waits.
Finally, it looks like I
finally have some temp work next week after the longest drought I've ever endured in 20 some years of temping. Sheesh. It's even conveniently located near Matilda's daycare so it'd be a real boon.
Best Cash Cab Ever! Two professors of astrophysics and a professor of physics just beat the all-time record.
How ya doing Pix? I hope the pain is going away before the drugs run out.
IRT reading at night, I recall at a young age, before 8 or so, the switch to my bedroom dying. Dad took me to the hardware store and asked which one I wanted. I thought that was the coolest thing! I got to pick my own switch!! I flipped every single one of them, and picked the one that didn't have a click, and was lit up when off. This solved two problems. 1) Finding the damn switch after mom turned it off. And 2) it not making noise, that mom heard from the KITCHEN and yelling at me to go to sleep. I got SO much more reading done after that. It was awesome!
Two professors of astrophysics and a professor of physics just beat the all-time record.
Rodney McKay and Radek Zelenka in Cash Cab? Oh, lord, now I smell a fic . . .