If I leaned over the edge of the bed, and stretched my arms veeery far, I could get my book in a sliver of light from the hall.
Heh. I'm not sure if I ever actually WAS afraid of the dark (I think I was) but I figured out that if I said I was, and got the door open with the hall light coming in, I could then read by the light of that...but I got in lots of trouble when I got caught for that. Though I still say that the punishments for that were excessive.
I think I got into more trouble for reading in low light, than I did for reading past my bedtime. I liked reading by candlelight, and my dad used to raise heck when he caught me at it. Of course, this was probably at a later age than what you all are referring to, as my older sister completely controlled the light level in our bedroom until she moved out.
Portable Cell Phone Jammer: $45.
Amazing. This would be absolutely great.
Though I still say that the punishments for that were excessive.
Took your book away, did they?
Portable Cell Phone Jammer
Illegal for use/sale/manufacture in the United States, though. There are a number of law schools that have turned off Internet access in classrooms. It's one of the ongoing conversations right now amongst the Deans.
I remember I had to tilt the book just right to be able to distinguish the letters from the page. I got pretty speedy at hiding the book and pretending I was asleep.
Ginger is me. Also Andi, with the "you'll hurt your eyesight."
I could occasionally convince my mother to leave the hall light on. Most of the time, I had to lean over the bed to use the hallway nightlight. It always made my eyes tired, so I really didn't do a lot of reading that way. Still, whenever I could!
My Mother wouldn't let me, brace yourselves, READ IN THE CAR.
She had heard via some pre-internet Hippy SPAM grapevine that it was bad for your eyes. So we'd be in the car for HOURS and I would have to not read.
I don't remember ever being told I couldn't read in bed -- the flip side being that if we stayed up until all hours reading there was no forgiveness the next morning. We had to get up and go to school/do chores/etc. We weren't allowed to sleep in.
I did set my bed on fire once with a reading lamp.