I'm still cracking up at her certainty that obviously Mommy was going to take a bath alone, and the only possible reason Mommy could have for refusing was that she'd somehow failed to notice that the tub was full of bubbles.
Adults! We miss the most obvious things!
Wow. I still can't believe she can talk. She used to be a reason for you to wear a particular cut of awesomely fabulous clothing! And now she has talking? And timeouts?
Adults! We miss the most obvious things!
When I refuse to back up the Tivo so she can see the creepy tap-dancing pig on
for the nine hundredth time, she looks at me with great concern and gently presses the remote into my hands, pointing at the button I need to push. It can't possibly be that 899 times was 898 times too many; clearly the actual problem is that between 899 and now I forgot how to do it, so she has to tenderly and lovingly remind me.
When I refuse to back up the Tivo so she can see the creepy tap-dancing pig on Teletubbies for the nine hundredth time, she looks at me with great concern and gently presses the remote into my hands, pointing at the button I need to push. It can't possibly be that 899 times was 898 times too many; clearly the actual problem is that between 899 and now I forgot how to do it, so she has to tenderly and lovingly remind me.
So cute! {{{JZ}}} I'm sorry you had a stressful night with a tantruming toddler instead of getting to go out with friends.
Wow. I still can't believe she can talk. She used to be a reason for you to wear a particular cut of awesomely fabulous clothing! And now she has talking? And timeouts?
She's very chatty. NSM around people she's not familiar with. Then she goes into Silent Staring mode.
It can't possibly be that 899 times was 898 times too many; clearly the actual problem is that between 899 and now I forgot how to do it, so she has to tenderly and lovingly remind me.
She'll be a great comfort to you as you descend into senility.
Oh, I've seen him. He looks like he's in a mall somewhere, with his headset and his shadiness.
It's the headset that kills me-- dude, you're in a studio. Whyfor the headset nonsense?
And oh, dear heavens, JZ-- how I feel your pain for experiencing those days and God strike me ded for being so grateful to be past them.
Of course, there are new... challenges, let's call them. Puberty-- she is right around the corner for both of mine.
Last year, after a school day, I picked up the kids and as we drove off to do errands, I asked them how their day had gone. Nate explained they'd watched the puberty video in health class (segregated, of course) and asked, "Mom, how much of what's in the video is true?"
Talk about a loaded question. So I carefully countered with,
"Anything in particular?"
"Well, all that stuff about waking up with wet sheets."
"Well, dude, it's part of growing up. Your penis is a very unpredictable body part and until you go through this growing process, it may catch you by surprise more than a few times. Wet dreams are part of this and they're absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens to every guy."
After a long pause, there's this enormously long, enormously put-upon sigh from the back seat, followed by an exasperated, "Darn sperm."
Seriously, it was a wonder I didn't drive off the side of the road from the sheer effort of holding back the laughter.
clearly the actual problem is that between 899 and now I forgot how to do it, so she has to tenderly and lovingly remind me.
Ok. That's kind of precious. But definitely so sorry for the bad night. That's never fun.
Seriously, it was a wonder I didn't drive off the side of the road from the sheer effort of holding back the laughter.
I think that I would have had a mysterious coughing fit.
Sample conversation with Matilda:
Dad: "Did you have fun at Maggie's [her daycare provider] today?
Matilda: "Mag-key."
Dad: "Did you play with Diego?"
Matilda: "Di Di."
Dad: "What's in your hair?
Matilda: "Oh NO! Clippie!
Dad: "Do you want it in your hair?"
Matilda: "No clippie!"
Dad: "Okay, we'll take it out when we get home."
Matilda: "Obbie? [Emmett]
Dad: "No, Obbie is with Emmie [his mom]."
Matilda: "Obbie with Emmie. Mommy home?"
Dad: "I hope so. We can watch some baseball when we get home."
Matilda: "No basebawl. Tubbies?
Dad: "You want to watch Teletubbies?
Matilda: "Tscha. [yes]"
I think that I would have had a mysterious coughing fit.
Unfortunately, they're on to that.