It wouldn't *hurt* anything if I were to try to do a laundry wash cycle with the OxyClean?
Not at all. We Joe uses it all the time in the washer. Does your machine have a soak cycle? You could do a long soak cycle in the machine with the OxyClean and then do a regular wash cycle with the OxyClean, too.
Does your machine have a soak cycle? You could do a long soak cycle in the machine with the OxyClean and then do a regular wash cycle with the OxyClean, too.
I think so... I'll give that a try and see how things go.
In the meantime though I will marvel at Sophia's elbow grease and determination. You win!
TCG just left for his interview. He looks like such a hottie all dressed up in his suit.
Sophia's determination is probably fueled by that fact that if she doesn't get the stain out, she might have to make a new costume.
I am heavily dependent on the soak cycle for stains, and I also I occasionally dye things. It's the thing that gives me pause when I think about a front-loading washer.
Good luck, TCG.
Yeah, JZ, I got lucky, mom-wise.
In the meantime though I will marvel at Sophia's elbow grease and determination. You win!
Yes, but I was getting paid! And I made my students do some of it. It did take several hours per garment, but we got a couple of usuable seersucker suits out of otherwise ruined clothing
I would make a paste of oxyclean and laundrey detergent and sort of soak the whole thing, and scrub and scrub with a brush, and repeat as needed. I would make sure to get the whole thing and not just the stained area, because the Oxy-clean may whiten unevenly. I have used this method to clean really nasty costumes, but it has taken a lot of elbow grease and determination as well.
I think at this point I'd just be throwing it all out. But I am hella lazy about that kind of thing.
I'm amazed that OxyClean works. The guy who shills it is such a snake oil salesman.
I'm amazed that OxyClean works. The guy who shills it is such a snake oil salesman.
Not to mention the Magic Erasers, originally hyped by the tools on The Apprentice.