Does your machine have a soak cycle? You could do a long soak cycle in the machine with the OxyClean and then do a regular wash cycle with the OxyClean, too.
I think so... I'll give that a try and see how things go.
In the meantime though I will marvel at Sophia's elbow grease and determination. You win!
TCG just left for his interview. He looks like such a hottie all dressed up in his suit.
Sophia's determination is probably fueled by that fact that if she doesn't get the stain out, she might have to make a new costume.
I am heavily dependent on the soak cycle for stains, and I also I occasionally dye things. It's the thing that gives me pause when I think about a front-loading washer.
Good luck, TCG.
Yeah, JZ, I got lucky, mom-wise.
In the meantime though I will marvel at Sophia's elbow grease and determination. You win!
Yes, but I was getting paid! And I made my students do some of it. It did take several hours per garment, but we got a couple of usuable seersucker suits out of otherwise ruined clothing
I would make a paste of oxyclean and laundrey detergent and sort of soak the whole thing, and scrub and scrub with a brush, and repeat as needed. I would make sure to get the whole thing and not just the stained area, because the Oxy-clean may whiten unevenly. I have used this method to clean really nasty costumes, but it has taken a lot of elbow grease and determination as well.
I think at this point I'd just be throwing it all out. But I am hella lazy about that kind of thing.
I'm amazed that OxyClean works. The guy who shills it is such a snake oil salesman.
I'm amazed that OxyClean works. The guy who shills it is such a snake oil salesman.
Not to mention the Magic Erasers, originally hyped by the tools on The Apprentice.
So Hec's umbrella farm was nifty, this is my favorite place at my work, the pool room [link]
And coworker's adoreable poodle, Dorian Grey, [link]
I'm amazed that OxyClean works. The guy who shills it is such a snake oil salesman.
Billy Mays of the Hair That Doesn't Move! (That's what Nate and Abby call him.)
And there's a guy who trumps ol' Billy in the scary snake oil salesman category-- he's this frenetic twerp who shills this rag called a "Sham-Wow."