Tips from CLR: WASHING MACHINES: Run empty machine without detergent up to main wash cycle. Stop machine and add one-half cup CLR. Finish cycle. Run one additional full cycle (wash and rinse) with water only to rinse machine fully.
I think the issue in the machine has been resolved, I'm just trying to work out how to get the resulting stains out of my clothes. OxyClean/OxyPower as detergent?
Can I get some interview -ma for TCG this afternoon? He's been stressed out lately because of the car stuff, and I really want this interview o go well for him.
Speaking of OxyClean, there's a Woolite carpet cleaner that has OxyClean in it. That stuff gets all kinds of nasty stuff out of off-white carpet. It's great.
Much interview~ma for TCG.
I would make a paste of oxyclean and laundrey detergent and sort of soak the whole thing, and scrub and scrub with a brush, and repeat as needed. I would make sure to get the whole thing and not just the stained area, because the Oxy-clean may whiten unevenly. I have used this method to clean really nasty costumes, but it has taken a lot of elbow grease and determination as well.
I have used this method to clean really nasty costumes, but it has taken a lot of elbow grease and determination as well.
Wow. That sounds like a lot of work! Now I have to work out if it will be worth it. Maybe for one item. It wouldn't *hurt* anything if I were to try to do a laundry wash cycle with the OxyClean? Elbow grease and determination.... *so* not in my life description.
Signed, Am Totally Fucking Lazy
Oh now you're going to be getting me confused about deworming Flea's daughter.
Eek! In my defense, DW named him. She knows not of flea's Casper.
It wouldn't *hurt* anything if I were to try to do a laundry wash cycle with the OxyClean?
Not at all. We Joe uses it all the time in the washer. Does your machine have a soak cycle? You could do a long soak cycle in the machine with the OxyClean and then do a regular wash cycle with the OxyClean, too.
Does your machine have a soak cycle? You could do a long soak cycle in the machine with the OxyClean and then do a regular wash cycle with the OxyClean, too.
I think so... I'll give that a try and see how things go.
In the meantime though I will marvel at Sophia's elbow grease and determination. You win!
TCG just left for his interview. He looks like such a hottie all dressed up in his suit.