Maybe hand out doses of something to calm them down. (joking)
Ahhh..."HAve some delicious candies, my darlings! Three for you, you naughty child. Ooops, you get the REALLY special candy!"
I'm a thinking a Ritalin/Xanax/THC combo.
Huh. Screw the kids; I'll just take it!
Screw the kids; I'll just take it!
Shit, yeah. Ketamine's good enough for the little shits -- keep the actual fun stuff for yourself.
tranq dart gun allowed in the school?
Just an idea. Not saying it's good or bad.
How old are these kids? And how many in the class?
Pathetic tiny kitten ahoy! [link]
Thanks for letting me vent, guys. I was in a serious rage state this afternoon. Not a great place for me to be, as I can get downright nasty in that state. I had to high-tail it outta school ASAP.
I will be good-teacher Erin and look for Proactive!Solutions!to!My!Classroom!Management!Issues! yayhappySPARKLE kidzrfun!
But right now, I need to stew in my own quinine-bitter juices of unleashed vengeful rage.
What parent raises their children to think that this is appropriate?
Yeah, I don't know if you do everything your parents would deem appropriate. I know I don't.
Can't you just task them with humiliating in-class exercises?
"We're going to re-enact scenes from literature. You'll be doing Gargantua and Pantagruel and this feather duster is your goose..."
{{Erin}} I hope you find an effective method. I seriously don't know how teachers do it. Ya want I should send you the Bobby duct taped pictures to use as threats?
25 in this class. Mixed: sophomores thru seniors. And About 3/4 of the class are good, but the others are rude, clueless, little wonky BEASTS. is my Hell class, and most of my other classes are pretty good.
Q: Why do kids have SO MUCH CRAP???
A: Because grandparents see their grandchildren as forms of revenge.
Signed, Packing Sucks.