it wasn't clear from the box, believe it or not, whether it was UPS or USPS
UPS, Fedex and DHL all have deals with USPS where they'll deliver things to your local post office & let the regular mail take it from there. While I understand and appreciate this attempt to save me money, I have NEVER received an item shipped this way that was not hopelessly screwed up (late, lost, damaged, you name it).
UPS, Fedex and DHL all have deals with USPS where they'll deliver things to your local post office & let the regular mail take it from there. While I understand and appreciate this attempt to save me money, I have NEVER received an item shipped this way that was not hopelessly screwed up (late, lost, damaged, you name it).
I wonder how the initial shipper (UPS, for instance) decides to ship it the entire way versus fobbing it off on USPS. Because I would pay more for 100% UPS delivery if I could.
Anyway, it did my cranky heart good to complain to I don't actually think it'll change anything in their choice of delivery company (especially if they can pick UPS but UPS can turn around and fob it off on the USPS monkeys), but I still enjoy a righteous complaint.
And my righteous complaint to the USPS is soon to come.
I have about a billion deliveries out right now. I fear for my gap t-shirts and books.
I'm celebrating my high cholestrol with chocolate chip cookies.
My new truck is currently getting a shell installed over the bed.
Our current house is the only place where I haven't had problems with deliveries from UPS (knock wood). In CA and DC they had a perfect record of incompetence and I had a folder full of complaints. When I had a problem in CA with the USPS, my carrier called the postmaster's office from his cell while I was standing there and then handed me his phone and waited while I made the complaint. Someone showed up with the wayward delivery about 30 minutes later, and I got a letter of apology from the postmaster the next day.
The dentist told me that I didn't need any work right now, hurrah! But that I should stop using the toothpaste with baking soda, boo! I don't like sweet toothpaste!
Happy anniversary, Jessica!
When I had a problem in CA with the USPS, my carrier called the postmaster's office from his cell while I was standing there and then handed me his phone and waited while I made the complaint. Someone showed up with the wayward delivery about 30 minutes later, and I got a letter of apology from the postmaster the next day.
Man. I am your delivery-service opposite. I have never had a problem with UPS. The Post Office, on the other hand, loses and damages stuff all the time and actively does not give a crap.
I hate my 8th hour class. About 6 talkers. Loud, obnoxious, oblvious, can't keep it shut for 30 seconds, childish, argumentative....I can't STAND them. I want to do PHYSICAL HARM to them.
Things I Wish I Could Say/DO:
1. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
2. If you cannot shut the everlovin' fuck up for 5 seconds, you need to walk the fuck outta my class so I don't eviserate you with a spork, and laugh while I do it.
3. Pay attention. I will not do this work for you. If you are unwilling to even TRY, go ahead and leave. I don't want you here.
4. Shut the fucking fuck up, fucking now.
5. Fuck off. And die. At least you'll be quiet.
6. You, you, you, you, you and you. Leave. Don't come back till you have some goddamn manners.
I have never, NEVER been treated so rudely as this class. And there are some good kids in there, but seriously? THis class made me want to walk out of the building and never go back. I am still furious. What parent raises their children to think that this is appropriate? I had to leave the room, or I seriously woul have flown off the handle in a big(ger) way. I have not had to raise my voice -- to be heard! simply to be heard! -- since my student teaching.
I am still livid, and full of rage and, unfortuntely, hateful...quasi-hate. I would pay MONEY to lay hands on a couple of these kids, and I do NOT like feeling this way.
Uh oh! Watch out, kiddos, Erin may have to put the SMACK DOWN.
I've had trouble with all the services at some point. And had really good results with all of them at some point. It just depends, really. Sadly.
Man, I just got an order from delivered -- with the box entirely OPEN and the tape ripped off.
Ooh, damn. Good thing it wasn't *prescription* drugs in there. I'm surprised more boxes from them don't get ripped open, though...
I ate my yogurt with a fork.
::lies down in quiet thread corner::
Wants Erin for my bouncer.
I worked four separate jobs today. ow.