I hate my 8th hour class. About 6 talkers. Loud, obnoxious, oblvious, can't keep it shut for 30 seconds, childish, argumentative....I can't STAND them. I want to do PHYSICAL HARM to them.
Things I Wish I Could Say/DO:
1. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
2. If you cannot shut the everlovin' fuck up for 5 seconds, you need to walk the fuck outta my class so I don't eviserate you with a spork, and laugh while I do it.
3. Pay attention. I will not do this work for you. If you are unwilling to even TRY, go ahead and leave. I don't want you here.
4. Shut the fucking fuck up, fucking now.
5. Fuck off. And die. At least you'll be quiet.
6. You, you, you, you, you and you. Leave. Don't come back till you have some goddamn manners.
I have never, NEVER been treated so rudely as this class. And there are some good kids in there, but seriously? THis class made me want to walk out of the building and never go back. I am still furious. What parent raises their children to think that this is appropriate? I had to leave the room, or I seriously woul have flown off the handle in a big(ger) way. I have not had to raise my voice -- to be heard! simply to be heard! -- since my student teaching.
I am still livid, and full of rage and, unfortuntely, hateful...quasi-hate. I would pay MONEY to lay hands on a couple of these kids, and I do NOT like feeling this way.
Uh oh! Watch out, kiddos, Erin may have to put the SMACK DOWN.
I've had trouble with all the services at some point. And had really good results with all of them at some point. It just depends, really. Sadly.
Man, I just got an order from drugstore.com delivered -- with the box entirely OPEN and the tape ripped off.
Ooh, damn. Good thing it wasn't *prescription* drugs in there. I'm surprised more boxes from them don't get ripped open, though...
I ate my yogurt with a fork.
::lies down in quiet thread corner::
Wants Erin for my bouncer.
I worked four separate jobs today. ow.
Oooooh, Erin. Can you send them someplace else for the class time? "You obviously have no intention of even attempting to do the work, so you get to cool your heels. Together. Where you can work out the differences among you or wrestle for supremecy, I don't care. But meanwhile the rest of the class isn't subjected to your extreme narcissistic rudeness and general obnoxicity. Begone, foul entities and besmirch my classroom no more. Fail!"
"You obviously have no intention of even attempting to do the work, so you get to cool your heels. Together. Where you can work out the differences among you or wrestle for supremecy, I don't care. But meanwhile the rest of the class isn't subjected to your extreme narcissistic rudeness and general obnoxicity. Begone, foul entities and besmirch my classroom no more. Fail!"
::hearts Bev muchly::
I say you show up in steel-toed boots. Big, stompy ones.
The Washington Post had a loooong story, with one or two other shorter ones, about graphic novels. No porn, though.
Glad to hear that Em has her mad mascara skillz going - maybe she'll do your mascara application Aims.
Up in Mount Pleasant (a DC neighborhood) they've had a constant problem with UPS deliveries (don't know if that includes FedEx, DHL, USPS) being stolen. They don't seem to be able to get the UPS driver to knock and wait for someone - they just dump them on the porch - and, invariably, the packages are stolen. One person even put up a camera to tape the process ... but their stuff's still getting stolen.
And Erin - all I can do is vibe sympathy to you. Don't suppose you can thwap them with a copy of Miss Manners ....
We had that problem in my old place. So they delivered all of the packages to the apt. office. Which was open from 9-5. The post office REFUSED to leave a package, even when I'd specifically requested it. They told me that the complex had requested that packages not be left. I asked why the complex had anything to do with my mail, then they said that I had to send them something in writing giving them permission to leave packages. WTF?
also? I am covering Iris' ears wrt the akeup-may...
goat milk yogurt is teh yum but it seems to have left a goaty aftertaste