Been in my apartment in Colorado for a month and 24 days. Just hung pictures. Not done, but am pooped. Why is this such a mentally exhausting process?
Yes, part of the process included culling me & STBX pictures and picking which kid pix to give him since we didn't really do much of that on the packing end.
And how is it that the more I hang, the larger the to-do pile appears?
Of course, I also have a seekrit teevee crush on Dean Stockwell, as well.
This is only natural.
I never saw the finale of Quantum Leap. I guess I should do that. I never followed it religiously, but I did like many of the eps I saw.
QL was my first online fandom. I think I still have some of my notes for my (decidedly Mary Sue-ish) sequel epic thing.
Oh dear Lord the finale. I still have a strong impulse to fix it, dammit, because I love(d) those character (especially Al) and wanted it to work out ok.
And The Leap Home (which was at least a 2-parter, with him going back to himself at his childhood home and then to Vietnam with his brother).
I actually think that that's a series that, in the right hands, could be re-made really well with current sensibilities and what-we-can-get-away-with.
Suzi, I feel you on the moving being exhausting. Just so much crap to deal with.
K-Bug moved into her dorms and finally unpacked the new printer she got in April. The scanner glass was shattered. Dell, bless them, are sending a new printer.
Man, Quantum Leap is one of those shows I loved so much, I'm afraid to watch it now. But the happy memories are vivid.
I just purchased another truck for my business. I'm waiting for it to be washed and handed over to me.
Is the truck "in addition to" or "instead of", Drew? I mean, from the standpoint, there's only one of you. Are you expanding in personnel or is it just a bigger truck for bigger jobs?
ION, look at me with awe and wonder for, lo, I have cooked dinner tonight! Yeah, it's that special. I think the last time I didn't nuke a TV dinner or make a PB&J sandwich was like, months ago. Amazing what unemployment will do for you. (Yes, I know it's Sunday. I'm trying to set a new precedent for myself.)
Congratulations! What kind of truck is it, ND?
It is in addition to. I have multiple projects at once right now so I need the extra truck. Crew drives them much of the time. It is a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 Crew Cab with the 5.7 Hemi.
Edit: x-posty
It's a secondary truck. ND has a number of people who drive the truck(s), and this fall he has two major jobs that overlap. He may sell the first truck once this fall is over.