QL was my first online fandom. I think I still have some of my notes for my (decidedly Mary Sue-ish) sequel epic thing.
Oh dear Lord the finale. I still have a strong impulse to fix it, dammit, because I love(d) those character (especially Al) and wanted it to work out ok.
And The Leap Home (which was at least a 2-parter, with him going back to himself at his childhood home and then to Vietnam with his brother).
I actually think that that's a series that, in the right hands, could be re-made really well with current sensibilities and what-we-can-get-away-with.
Suzi, I feel you on the moving being exhausting. Just so much crap to deal with.
K-Bug moved into her dorms and finally unpacked the new printer she got in April. The scanner glass was shattered. Dell, bless them, are sending a new printer.
Man, Quantum Leap is one of those shows I loved so much, I'm afraid to watch it now. But the happy memories are vivid.
I just purchased another truck for my business. I'm waiting for it to be washed and handed over to me.
Is the truck "in addition to" or "instead of", Drew? I mean, from the standpoint, there's only one of you. Are you expanding in personnel or is it just a bigger truck for bigger jobs?
ION, look at me with awe and wonder for, lo, I have cooked dinner tonight! Yeah, it's that special. I think the last time I didn't nuke a TV dinner or make a PB&J sandwich was like, months ago. Amazing what unemployment will do for you. (Yes, I know it's Sunday. I'm trying to set a new precedent for myself.)
Congratulations! What kind of truck is it, ND?
It is in addition to. I have multiple projects at once right now so I need the extra truck. Crew drives them much of the time. It is a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 Crew Cab with the 5.7 Hemi.
Edit: x-posty
It's a secondary truck. ND has a number of people who drive the truck(s), and this fall he has two major jobs that overlap. He may sell the first truck once this fall is over.
the situation: boys in the lobby are playing a video game. They're not doing anything wrong other than being
loud. One keeps shouting "boom!" at such a volume that it's making me wince. The parents are sitting on a bench nearby seemingly oblivious.
the question: is it worth it to ask the boys to please use their inside voices or am I just asking for trouble?
Fabulous job on the floor, Beth! Beautiful.
I didn't see the finale of QL. Must add show to DVD list. It was much fun when I watched it.
Yay for new truck and growing business!
We are back from our family movie adventure. It was fun. The IMAX is in the science museum so there was museumy fun too. And Italian Ice.
I gave the guys 3 choices wrt an Orlando trip. a)I drive my car and go by myself b)All or some of them go with me to see Hamlet 2 c)We all go to Orlando and I go to the movie myself while they entertain themselves otherwise. The result was a simultaneous cry from all of them of Universal! So, whenever we set a date we will pop up there and the guys will do roller coasters while I do movie. Whee! Mini-F2F! Askye, you should join us, although you do have a longer drive.