Laga - can you run some warm water and bleach in the bowl? let it sit and it should remove the stains.
I was thinking about that. Part of me wants to use the bowl next time I need to mix something with turmeric or something else colorfast and just let it be stained now. It's like a battle scar.
Oxy Clean works great for that sort of thing.
(takes off adaptive ranty pants...)
Check it out. I'm a real American.
Bored with my job and thinking I'm way smarter than my boss.
Good times?
Awww! Y'all one of my favorite coworkers just got a raise and a promotion!
Why look -- surprise you can be overweight and heart healthy --- or thin and not heart healthy. Surprise
Check it out. I'm a real American. Bored with my job and thinking I'm way smarter than my boss.
Sounds about right. Has your boss started actively sabotaging your work yet? That's when the real good times start.
Signed: still bitter about the way the last job ended, even if my current one turned out to be way better.
Or have you come up with a really great idea and had your boss present it as his? Now that's the real American way!
DJ, you're one of my favorite Bufffistas for many reasons, and one of them is the honest delight you take in others' success. ((((((DJ)))))
I made dinner! It may be the simplest dinner I know how to make, but considering the fact that I feel like ass, I'm counting it a major accomplishment.
Damn. I just realized I forgot to send in my rent this month. I really need to find a way to remember this stuff.