Work'd notice and since many of my friends are there too, I'm pretty sure they'd send out a search party. When my coworker was really late (1 pm) and hadn't contacted us, we were about to call his wife as he showed ( car trouble + dead cell.)
Search for shoes, jeans and a nice blouse was a bust. No matter my size, I can't find anything. And I've got something like 8 pairs of jeans (in various states of respectability) that I can't wear without suspenders. Rrrrg. I'll try again tomorrow. After I clean up my old computer and do laundry.
What is it with shoes having such small toeboxes, you end up with toe cleavage? It isn't attractive. And is pissing me off (to be fair, everything involving wardrobe shopping carries that possibility.)
The kitten-that-may-be-named-Zephyr does not understand he cannot eat peoplefood, nor can he walk on the keyboard, nor can he shred my bills. Ah, kittens.
90210 question
When Brenda was
in the cafeteria with Kelly, she said that being there brought back memories, and she could still hear the chanting
Ha! Thanks, Hil.
At my last job they could easily not notice me missing a day. Honestly, without krav, no one's on it. And even if work noticed, what then? I can't imagine my bosses calling around.
Work and home would notice my absence at about the same time since I work with DH.
Dude, where's my tommyrot!? I wrote him an email. Does a Chicagoista have a number for him?
90210 question--
Hil beat me to it, but it's right at about 6 minutes in. (yes, I am enough of a geek that I went and starting watching the show.)
And I've got something like 8 pairs of jeans (in various states of respectability) that I can't wear without suspenders.
It might be worth getting the most-respectable ones tailored? Cheaper than buying new, anyway.
I missed the first 8 minutes or so of 90210 (no, I'm not willing enough to admit I like it to actually TiVo it).
Laura, brenda called him.
Damn, the fall did something to my shoulder. It hurts like a bitch and none of the doctors pay it any attention. Yeah, the injuries still bother me. I discovered that I can feel the cut that connects the two externally visible ones, so I get preoccupied by the thought that a little more force and there'd have been a big flap of my
hanging off, instead of just a flap of lip and a hole. Ickiness.
It might be worth getting the most-respectable ones tailored? Cheaper than buying new, anyway.
They are old navy jeans. I don't know how much cheaper you can get. (I didn't go to ON today.)
Sean is working on Halloween Horror Nights up at Universal and another big project, so he's been swamped.
That's what I was hoping/figuring. At least the work is going well, if busy.