It's more than a little jaw-dropping that the reporter who got that quote from him actually followed up to basically say, "Tell me you did NOT just go there," and Westmoreland was more than happy to go right back there again with fuckwit abandon.
Yes. THIS. With a side of WTF.
I'm also loving how she knew at thirteen weeks that she was carrying a Down's baby, but didn't tell the rest of the kids until after Trig was, you know, born.
"Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs," she reveals, "I couldn't talk about it."
She seems to have a real pattern of not letting those closest to her in on important decisions and on keeping things shrouded and only following her own counsel on things that would affect a greater whole. That bugs me-- not necessarily on a personal level, but on how it would translate to the decision-making process as a leader. Which, again, we've been seeing more and more evidence of how she pretty much keeps to her own set of standards, everyone else's opinions be damned.
"Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs,"
Wow, my head just went boom
I thought that would stop, what with all my brains being already spattered about the place.
how it would translate to the decision-making process as a leader.
I think we know the answer to that -- it's pretty much exactly the Dubya school of leadership.
I think we know the answer to that -- it's pretty much exactly the Dubya school of leadership.
bingbingbing! Give the lovely lady a cookie!
Om nom nom nom.
Still really disturbed by the embracing the child comment. It's absolutely her right to decide when she found out at 13 weeks whether to continue to carry the child or not -- but to go to term thinking "hey, I might decide I don't like you after all"...?
I like your Batman, DJ!!!
Thanks, GC! A guy here in the office actually painted it as well as this one [link] He let me have them for my cube.
Cutie pie kids, Gud!
I really feel like Palin was the "unknown quantity" everyone was fussing over Obama for (and
guys. Haven't we been watching him nationally since that convention speech?) and now the more we're finding out, the worse it is.
Re Palin's schooling -- you've just got to admire a
major who has no record of actually writing for the school paper or any other researchable print or media outlet.
So, um, what was Plan B there? If she decided at the end she "wasn't ready" then she just springs a quicky adoption on the kids like she did the vice presidency?
I don't fault anyone in that position for having fears or doubts. But that's kind of sickening.
The thing that worries me most about Palin is that she doesn't appear to be intellectually curious, much like W. I'm not so worried about lack of experience, not all presidents (potentially) have had lots of experience and she is governor of a state after all. I do think to make experience a central campaign issue and select her as VP is hypocritical, however.
Speaking of experience, nobody ever seems to note that Obama is a genuine expert in constitutional law. I kinda think that would be good in a President.
"Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs,"
Huh? So what was she going to do if she got to delivery and realized she still wasn't ready?
Heh. The Repub base isn't the only thing Palin's energized - apparently Obama's raised more than $8 mil since the speech.