Elitist and uppity also mean "not like us." It's become a bad thing to be intellectually curious, open, and tolerant.
Yeah, but uppity has VERY specific connotations that are very well known. It's rarely applied to the melainin impaired. And in this case, the case has long been made that "elitist" is being used as code for "uppity" in the traditional nasty sense, rather elitist being used in the Kerry sense. To see someone brashly willing to just flat out say it, no sugar coated coding, makes me sick to my stomach.
I like your Batman, DJ!!!
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer
Huh. True. And now I miss Phil Hartman all over again.
Oh pictures. I have a new one from my Dad's iPhone.
To see someone brashly willing to just flat out say it, no sugar coated coding, makes me sick to my stomach.
And yet, it's good to have the code broken and laid out for everybody to see. Now that the media's done with it's not-so-covert bitch-bashing of Hilary, it looks like the racist spin will come fully to the fore.
Oh, I'm aware of the well-known connotation. But it *is* used, where I'm from, for anyone of any color "gettin' above their raisin'", which means, you know, going to college, skipping Sunday School, arguing with teachers, clergy, or legal or civil authorities with an assumption of intellectual parity.
Bored, so here's my cubicle:
Which roundabout like leads me to the Five Against Venus MySpace page, where I've never been before.
Guess who's got a great voice?
Yeah, I just have my serious doubts that the innocent connotation is the one at play in this case.
WIshing good health to Sean and S.
I'm too tired to even track right now. And I have more to look forward to tomorrow. I guess I should eat something. Had my boss not placed a bagel on my keyboard, I probably wouldn't have gotten lunch.
Today was too long for everyone.