Oh, Burrell, I'm so sorry. I hope things will turn out as treatable as possible, as peacefully and easily as possible.
What I could really use is some friend or relative wanting a break from a day job and be interested in staying with us rent free in exchange for doing work in and on the place.
Actually, that's quite tempting. Oh, wait - this stupid ocean pops between us again. Sigh.
juliana! Here's another exclamation point: !
[Edit: And !! for Perkins, too.]
I'm sorry Burrell.
Nilly, you need to get to bed!
Hippos Like to Lick Crocs
Video proof!
(No, scientists don't know why.)
Well if either of you want a semi-working vacation let me know. For reals.
I painted my nails while the waiting room I'm in was otherwise empty. Kinda hateful. I can't smell it anymore - hopefully no one else can either.
thanks. I think I better go see if I can rouse my nappers or I'll have kids up to the wee hours tonight.
you need to get to bed!
Everything has to play second fiddle to the dissertation deadline on the 31st.
Or, well, I try to cram as much as possible into the hours that are not shabbat. I'll catch up on my sleep then.
Well if either of you want a semi-working vacation let me know. For reals.
Well, I do hope I'll get to visit the USA sometime in the next year (a dear friend is doing her Post-Doc in Stanford - which, yeah, I know is the opposite coast, but if I cross a whole ocean, that's the easy part). Hmm.
Oh, Burrell. Fuck Cancer indeed -- enough with those damned mutant cells already!
Everything has to play second fiddle to the dissertation deadline on the 31st.
Oh those deadlines! Try to get some sleep.
Oh Burrell, I'm so sorry.
enough with those damned mutant cells already!
once again...Bad universe. bad! Bad! BAD!