you need to get to bed!
Everything has to play second fiddle to the dissertation deadline on the 31st.
Or, well, I try to cram as much as possible into the hours that are not shabbat. I'll catch up on my sleep then.
Well if either of you want a semi-working vacation let me know. For reals.
Well, I do hope I'll get to visit the USA sometime in the next year (a dear friend is doing her Post-Doc in Stanford - which, yeah, I know is the opposite coast, but if I cross a whole ocean, that's the easy part). Hmm.
Oh, Burrell. Fuck Cancer indeed -- enough with those damned mutant cells already!
Everything has to play second fiddle to the dissertation deadline on the 31st.
Oh those deadlines! Try to get some sleep.
Oh Burrell, I'm so sorry.
enough with those damned mutant cells already!
once again...Bad universe. bad! Bad! BAD!
Maybe crocs taste like chicken?
My computer has decided not to crash for like 4 hours now. I'm beginning to think that it might be "cured."
:: knocks wood ::
I'm sorry, Burrell. What they all said about fucking cancer.
Try to get some sleep.
Well, if you suddenly see a post with my name on it containing "ljiiiiiiiid;fsdliepw,akewlkd" you'll know I fell asleep on my keyboard.
Um, but not this post. There are sense-making letters all around the "ljiiiiiiiid;fsdliepw,akewlkd" stuff.
Burrell, I'm so sorry to hear you got bad news about someone you care about. I wish you and your loved one the best possible outcome, whatever that may be.
Nilly! I'm sorry you're working so late, but it is nice to "see" you.
I'll hopefully catch up on my sleep on shabbat. No rest for the belated-in-their-deadline, or something.