Obama's not deleting those votes from the totals, or totting up delegate counts only from caucuses or the states he won.
I didn't say he was. It was stupid for her to do, but there is a very real possibility that those voters will feel just as perturbed as Susan and Typo, albeit for slightly different reasons.
The problem is in the nominating process. This primary cycle has certainly shown that the current system doesn't work when it's this close. There's no way in hell a nominee should be decided by superdelegates.
I've got a funny feeling that the Democratic Party is not done with polarization. McCain's got to be loving this.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the painfully high cost of new furniture: [link] (that's a couplethree days old. What is not shown is the swelling.)
Also? I have mutant strawberries. How'd they get that name anyway?
oww! I haven't had a bruise like that since I played Whirly-Ball.
Ouch, sara, that's NASTY.
Clinton totaled up various states and claimed to have won the popular vote overall - by leaving 14 states out. That is a bullshit claim.
It was absolutely stupid. She's not the first politician to make up numbers and she won't be the last, but she did win some very large states who need to go blue in the general election for Obama to prevail. When it's a close election, bitter feelings are amplified. (See the 2000 and 2004 elections.)
I don't much care for the "drink the kool-aid" metaphor.
Fair enough, but I stand by my right to use it. Clinton was not my first choice; John Edwards was, followed by Chris Dodd. My problem is I just do not know WHAT he plans to do. He's a fabulous speaker, but the substance is lacking for me.
I don't want to settle anymore, and regardless of who the Democratic nominee is, I think we would. Republicans are also settling.
There are zero issues on which McCain is better than Obama.
That's your opinion. I may or may not agree. I haven't heard enough substance from Obama to definitively make up my mind.
Susan and Gar, thanks for clarifying your positions. I was coming at it from a different angle, and I think I'm getting tired of the insinuation that Barack Obama is the savior of the Democratic Party.
See that faint line above it on my thigh? (below in the photo.) That's from where I fell off a dhow in Mozambique and gave myself a credible Virgin of Guadalupe icon bruise in 2000 or 2001. The dent is mostly gone, took years. No telling if weight loss will bring it back.
When I bruise, I do it good.
I have lots of comments about the Obama/Clinton thing. I know people are passionate in their beliefs about both candidates (and about McCain). In lieu of picking a fight over comments I think are extremely polarizing, I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut.
In other news, Time Warner? Asshatty! They came to install a digital phone line with the rest of our digital stuff. It took them 4+ hours to get the connection to the airport working again.
Ouch, sara! That piece of furniture should be burned for warmth. Please be careful!
Also, high school students who have been without a permanent teacher all year? ARGH. I got called childish when I asked a girl to stop making out with her boyfriend during class.
Seriously? Enough.
Just saw a Twix commercial. Guy meets girl at a party, they talk and find they agree on a lot of issues. Guy asks, "Want to come up to my apartment?" Girl, offended, says, "What? What kind of girl do you think I am?" Guy takes a bite of a Twix bar, and in the time he's chewing comes up with the response, "I just thought you'd want to, you know, blog about our ideals." Girl, relieved, says, "Oh, blogging! I love blogging!"
Is it just me, or is the wording of that last line incredibly weird?