Perkins' weekend definitely sounds preferable to mine. Cass *and* Sparky! So not fair.
Also possibly noodling around with some writing, or at least prep for gearing up for considering starting some writing.
If you were a Seattleista, you could just be part of the bartering circle. I'm getting dinner made for me on Sunday night in return for doing some clothing alterations.
Don't think I haven't considered sending you cash *and* the pillow covers. I'm so pathetic. I want to do it myself, but machinery intimidates me. Where the hell is Laura Ingalls when I need her?
Where the hell is Laura Ingalls when I need her?
Getting whooping cough or some other imaginary disease?
Getting whooping cough or some other imaginary disease?
That's about as imaginary as you, my dear.
But you're not! Thank goodness.
Someone is outside my house playing Tyga's Coconut Juice. It is strange. I think it is probably the same boys who live in the building behind my house and set our lawn on fire with sparklers the other day. I was leterally, like, "gett offa my lawn!" I think I have found a new most obnoxious age group- post college frat type boys living together. At least the frat boys are in the frat house, not behind mine.
Although last night I was awoken, not by them, but by my downstairs neighbors 40ish son trying to wake his mother up at 3 am. I don't think she was home, I think I heard her leave with a gentleman caller. He got so agigtated and was banging on her windows, so I was scared to go downstairs and tell him, in case it was not an emergancy, but a case of hime being drunk and his wife kicking him out or something.
Ii want a sewing machine. After I get a new job. I need to put my nose to the grindstone this weekend searching the job sites.
Man, it's eerily quiet in here. Sign to go home.
I my be shopping for new computer. This one is being entirely too unreliable.
I'm going to pay bills and then do nothing because I won't have any money left over after I budget for Comic Con. I think I have some cool netflix movies and tonight is all new Stargate Atlantis and Doctor Who.